Guns And Scuba?

An interesting view but flawed in so many ways.

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Peter A. Gudmundsson is CEO of Dallas-based Beckett Media. He is a hunter and gun owner.

He's also an evil and ignorant elitist. If the poor people needed SCUBA to protect their lives, all of the income generated for training and certification by dive shops would price the sport out of their reach and leave them defenseless.
Most major "flaw" is that the constitution doesn't guarantee our right to SCUBA dive! (I'm a long time SCUBA diver)gf

Snorkeler myself, but I'm really speaking of the differences in the reasons for certification. The dangers involved are much different.
How about if the government provided free or low-cost marksmanship, tactical and gunsmithing training to law-abiding civilians? All optional, of course...but many would take advantage of it. Now that's a proposal I could live with. Not only would it dramatically assist in gun safety, but crime would go down significantly, and we would have a true citizen militia.

Also, it undercuts the liberal argument of what the 2nd amendment "really says" - that the right to bear arms is only for the military, etc. Well, if anyone who trains is part of the citizen militia...then that argument goes down the drain.
How about if the government provided free or low-cost marksmanship, tactical and gunsmithing training to law-abiding civilians? All optional, of course...but many would take advantage of it. Now that's a proposal I could live with. Not only would it dramatically assist in gun safety, but crime would go down significantly, and we would have a true citizen militia.

Also, it undercuts the liberal argument of what the 2nd amendment "really says" - that the right to bear arms is only for the military, etc. Well, if anyone who trains is part of the citizen militia...then that argument goes down the drain.

Won't happen here in Hawaii. I offered the services of myself and three other NRA instructors at NO COST to the government. All they needed to do is send us the students and get us the range (we have only one public range, and the local police departments have their own range) We would take care of the cost of the NRA training materials, ammunition, targets, etc. We even have our own liability insurance!

The answer we got was "The classes will send the wrong message." Can't figure out what "wrong message" they're talking about. Maybe they like the gun owners to be "unsafe" as a way of "job security" for them. :confused22:

The answer we got was "The classes will send the wrong message." Can't figure out what "wrong message" they're talking about. Maybe they like the gun owners to be "unsafe" as a way of "job security" for them. :confused22:
They license people to drive cars and large trucks all the time, which are significantly more deadly than the average self-defense firearm, and we don't even have a Constitutional right to drive. Many of the people driving can't even drive right, and occasionally they plow into farmer's markets. I have yet to hear of any accidental mass shootings.

Apparently they want to ensure job security not just by making sure no one can shoot, but also that any moron can get a driver's license. :confused22:

I want to get a ream of literature from the NRA extolling the benefits of CWP and explaining the licensing procedures in Florida.

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