Gun Shows in Oregon


Liberty or Death
Here is the link to the 2008 Schedule for Collectors West Gunshows.

Link Removed

I'm like a little kid at a candy store at these things. I can't leave until I've seen every single gun, and bought at least one of them. :wub:
I live about 20 miles south of Eugene, so I go to those ones.

I would sure like to make it to a Portland one. I hear they are way bigger than the ones at Lane Co. fairgrounds.
Gun Show in Albany March 7 & 8 2009. Three times bigger than Eugene Shows. Take the second exit off I5. It's at the next intersection to the right.
Three times bigger than the Eugene one?!? My birthday is March 8, I should have my tax return by then. I just might see you there! :biggrin:
Collectors West doesn't allow concealed license holders to carry! I called (503-644-5952/(800) 659-3440) to make sure, and was told that their insurance company doesn't allow it. When I called a lady answered, hello and had to ask her if this was Collectors West to which she replied, "yes". With an aol email address for a contact email ([email protected]), it doesn't appear to be very professional.
As much as I'd like to go, I can't give them my money if I don't agree with their policy to not allow my right to carry concealed. So, as we say in the concealed carry holders world, "NO GUNS, NO MONEY".

What good is a concealed carry permit if the places you do business with don't allow concealed carry?

Stand Up For Your Right To Concealed Carry And Don't Patronize Businesses That Don't Allow Concealed Carry!
Well think of it this way Nascaraddict. According to the law, we can't have any loaded guns or mags in the gun show. They make you chamber check any firearms that you wish to bring into the show, CC is no exception. There is enough heat on gun shows right now that I'm sure they don't want to piss off the gub'ment any more than they have to.

Anyone who has ever been to a gun show can obviously see that there are mostly uneducated people walking around looking at and touching guns. I could see if there was ammo and loaded mags everywhere that there could be an accidental discharge quite easily. In a crowded building, that is a very bad thing.

Now although it is 'official policy' to not allow loaded guns, including CC, have you ever been frisked at the door? I know they just stamp my hand and let me go inside if I'm not visibly carrying a gun. How many people do you think CC at gun shows despite the "official policy"? And besides, I just can't see some crazy bastard walking into a GUN SHOW to shoot up a crowd. He would be swiss cheese before he could even get off a second trigger pull.
What subsection of Oregon Chapter 166 states that it's illegal to carry concealed at a gun show? I'm not seeing any restrictions.
I'm only talking about concealed carry license holders carrying concealed, not open carry, purchasing, background checks or anything else at a gun show.
I understand that if it's private property and posted to deny concealed carry, then it's their right to deny. That's where I have the issue, as they even offer concealed handgun classes and don't honor card holders. It's hypocritical in my book.

Please enlighten me on the statue if you have it, or any one else has comment, please feel free.
I was just refering to the gun shows not allowing chambered weapons, and by law we have to abide by thier wish. And with so many guns around, the chances of having an accidental discharge and a law suit on thier hands are big enough for it to be understandable to carry such a policy. But on the other hand, "official policy":pleasantry: may just be a formality. Do you think that anyone is going to call the police if they see you printing at a gun show?

It may seem hypocritical, but isn't the whole system hypocritical? Gun show owners are just trying to make it in an increasingly liberal, anti-gun world like the rest of us are.
Update: Two different shows now.

To update, the Portland-area guns shows are now split in two.

Wes Knodel, who used to run the Collectors West shows in Portland now has his own, "Rose City Gun Show", while Collectors West still runs their own, as well.

Wes runs his every other month at the Portland Expo center, on a Saturday-Sunday; while Collectors West runs in the alternate months that Wes isn't running, on a Friday-Sunday.

Wes also runs monthly shows in Centralia, WA; and occasional shows in Medford, Central Point, and Albany, OR.

Collectors West still runs their shows elsewhere in Oregon and Washington, too; Hillsboro, and Vancouver, for example.

Wes Knodel's "Original" Rose City Gun Show (Yes, he puts the quotation marks around "Original".)
Collectors West Gun and Knife Shows

The next for each in the Portland Metro area are Collectors West this coming weekend (September 17-18) in Hillsboro, then Collectors West in Vancouver on October 1-2 and Portland on October 14-16; then Hillsboro again November 5-6. Then comes Wes Knodel's next show in Portland on November 19-20. Finally, the last Portland-area shows of this year will be Collectors West shows in Vancouver on December 3-4, then Portland the next weekend, 16-18.

I'll be manning a table at the Wes Knodel Portland show in November for sure, and may get one at a Collectors West show either October or December, not sure yet.
I highly recommend this show - lots to see, great people to talk to and great selection of guns and entry fees help support the local rifle club.

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