Update: Two different shows now.
To update, the Portland-area guns shows are now split in two.
Wes Knodel, who used to run the Collectors West shows in Portland now has his own, "Rose City Gun Show", while Collectors West still runs their own, as well.
Wes runs his every other month at the Portland Expo center, on a Saturday-Sunday; while Collectors West runs in the alternate months that Wes isn't running, on a Friday-Sunday.
Wes also runs monthly shows in Centralia, WA; and occasional shows in Medford, Central Point, and Albany, OR.
Collectors West still runs their shows elsewhere in Oregon and Washington, too; Hillsboro, and Vancouver, for example.
Wes Knodel's "Original" Rose City Gun Show (Yes, he puts the quotation marks around "Original".)
Collectors West Gun and Knife Shows
The next for each in the Portland Metro area are Collectors West this coming weekend (September 17-18) in Hillsboro, then Collectors West in Vancouver on October 1-2 and Portland on October 14-16; then Hillsboro again November 5-6. Then comes Wes Knodel's next show in Portland on November 19-20. Finally, the last Portland-area shows of this year will be Collectors West shows in Vancouver on December 3-4, then Portland the next weekend, 16-18.
I'll be manning a table at the Wes Knodel Portland show in November for sure, and may get one at a Collectors West show either October or December, not sure yet.