Gun shows - Fall 2008


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Just a friendly reminder from your neighborhood gun nut (and I vote) that the fall gun show season is upon us.

Syracuse, NY: 9/13-14, NYS Fairgrounds
details to come

Rochester, NY: 9/20-21, Fair and Expo (Dome) Center, 9AM, $8
Fair and Expo Center Calendar
Thanks willyNY. Here are a couple more local ones in the southeastern part of the state:

Sep 6-7 Middletown, Orange County Fairgrounds, NewMart Promotions, 914-248-1000

Sep 27-28 West Potsdam. Fire Dept Bingo Hall, 78 tbls, Sat 9-5, Sun 9-3 [email protected]

Oct 25-26
Friar Tuck Inn Link Removed
Nov 1-2 Middletown, Orange County Fairgrounds, NewMart Promotions, 914-248-1000

Nov 8-9 Clarence, WNY Event Center Link Removed

Syracuse show kind of sucked. Not many dealers, but a lot of flea market tables. It is usually a lot better than that. I hope than no one who may have gone on my recommendation was too dissapointed.

Hopefully, Rochester will be better.
There is one coming up this weekend (Jan 10 & 11) in Poughkeepsie:

Link Removed

I'll let you know what I think of it.
One in Port Crane this weekend also.

Willy I thiught the Syracuse fall show was a good one. You are correct about the junk stuff. Very heavy turn out I thought. I did score a used read brand New RRA A4 18" with Bushnell Red dot for $750. Still had cosmoline on the bolt carrier.
Well the Poughkeepsie show was better than I expected. It was most flea-market type stuff, but there were a few good tables of decent stuff. I picked up a couple of boxes of Speer Gold Dot 9mm for my wife at $15 each. I couldn't find any reloading materials though unfortunately, which is what I really went for in the first place. It was packed! Snow was coming in the afternoon, and I think everyone was trying to beat it.
Made it to the show this Saturday Feb 14, 09 at the WNY Event Center in Clarence. Was a pretty good show, lots of tables anyway. The place was pretty packed.
Upcoming WNY shows...
  • Feb 21-22 NY, West Potsdam. Fire Dept. Bingo Hall on Blanchard Rd. Gun Show. T: 78-8'. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm.
  • Feb 28-Mar 1st NY, Hamburg Gun Show, Erie Cty Fairgrounds, New Building, Expo Center, Route 62 Hamburg, N.Y. Sat 9am - 4pm Sun 9am - 3pm 200 tables
  • Feb 28-Mar 1 NY, Freeport. Recreation Ctr. 130 E. Merrick Rd. Antique Gun & Militaria Show. LI Antique Historical Arms Society.
  • Mar 7-8 NY, Suffern, Holiday Inn, 250 8' tbls $90, A:$10, SU: Fri 2-8 Sat 7-9 SH Sat 9-5 Sun 9-3
  • Mar 14-15 NY, Knights of Columbus Hall Gunshow, 2735 Union Rd., Cheektowaga, N.Y. Sat. 9-4 Sun. 9-3 Admission $7.00 350 tables,
We will be at Big Als tommorow in Suffern with our preview of Concealment canvas Shirts, Spring workman bombers and 3/4 jackets and our exclusive design of waterproof 3/4 Jackets with "tuck-away-hood". Also we will have the matching ladies Waterproof jacket as well.

We will also be offering our luxury Leather Jackets.

Of course spring preview pricing for our spring collection will apply! Sizes offered will be Large to 3XL.

Stop by and see us!!!
Just a reminder...www.Licensed2Carry will be at the 2009 syracuse show this weekend with our merchandise..come out and visit our booth...CC and Cash accepted. Of course we will be offering discounts from our site "Gun Show pricing"--and NO shipping costs! LOL

Apr 18-19 NY, Syracuse. State Fairgrounds. Expo Ctr. Gun Show. T: 1,000-8', F: $70. A: $6., under 12 free with adult, $5. senior citizens, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. NY State Arms Collectors Assoc., Inc., Sandy Ackerman, 346 Paul St., Endicott, NY 13760. PH: 607-748-1010.
gun season hu, been to a dew of those, not as many as my Dad though he's always at them. He trys to have at least someone from our company representing there. Hey did you guys see that 20 20 special on channel 2 last friday? They tallked about how folks could go to gun shows and out right buy gun with out any ID or background check at all. The sad thing is that the man they sent in to do the buying was actually a man who had his sister shot down in cold blood by a unregister gun. What do you all think about the fact that most guns that are used in crimes come from gun shows (which are not registered) do you know any more about this????:shout:
gun season hu, been to a dew of those, not as many as my Dad though he's always at them. He trys to have at least someone from our company representing there. Hey did you guys see that 20 20 special on channel 2 last friday? They tallked about how folks could go to gun shows and out right buy gun with out any ID or background check at all. The sad thing is that the man they sent in to do the buying was actually a man who had his sister shot down in cold blood by a unregister gun. What do you all think about the fact that most guns that are used in crimes come from gun shows (which are not registered) do you know any more about this????:shout:

Please get your facts somewhere other than ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC. Very few guns sold at gunshows are used in crimes. The sale of firearms by private citizens doesn't require a background check in many (if not most) states. The fact that some private sales occur at a gunshow doesn't change anything about the legal requirements. FFL dealers still have to do background checks, private sales don't.
What do you all think about the fact that most guns that are used in crimes come from gun shows (which are not registered) do you know any more about this????

That one is simple. That's one of the many lies the anti-gun nuts try to spread.

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