Gun prices are going up!


God Bless Our Troops!!!
We were looking at gun prices today and noticed that from Nov3 till now, a 600.00 AR15-A2 Franken gun went up to 700.00 bucks. AR lower receivers have gone from 99.00 to 119.00.

Get them while they are hot!:help:
There was a story on the news last night about The Cheaper That Dirt Store here. People have been coming in by the droves for the last couple months. Ever sense the realization set in that Obama might win. If I remember right they did a million dollars more business last month than the average month. They said some rifles had increased 200 bucks. I think the realization has set in that we have cut our own throats.
My gun guy always knocks a little off the price when I purchase from him. I don't even ask. I noticed when I bought my AR last week, it was MSRP. At least I was able to get it and he didn't jack the price up by $100.
SAME here DrDavidM. Maybe because I've purchased ALL my weapons from Him? Probably. I'm still glad I made the move on purchasing it now though.
I haven't noticed any huge markups in my area yet, but I'm sure it will happen within the next couple of months.
Went by my favorite gun store today, all prices are the same as 3 months ago. Even the items that came in since my last visit (last week) are priced like they were last time he had them in stock. Their prices are the lowest in a 40-45 mile radius, so he could easily raise prices, but hasn't.
We were looking at gun prices today and noticed that from Nov3 till now, a 600.00 AR15-A2 Franken gun went up to 700.00 bucks. AR lower receivers have gone from 99.00 to 119.00.

Get them while they are hot!:help:

The Cobra 380 I bought today was $7 more than what it was priced @ 2 weeks ago; $157 rather than $150. That's a 5% hike in 2 weeks. Yikes. I wish my retirement pay would do that!!!

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