Gun owners stockpiling ammunition


Staff member
All across the country, gun owners are stockpiling ammunition in anticipation of a series of legislation that would tax bullets.

"They (Congress) think that because they now have a democratic president who might be sympathetic to their cause that it might be easier for them to jam it through," said Jeff Pedro, owner of Sim Trainer shooting range in Moraine. "There's kind of a frenzied state."

Whether the fears are founded is a matter of opinion, but some say the reaction hurts law abiding gun owners. Local ammunition dealers say supply is down dramatically, and it's causing manufacturers to put limits on orders.

"In the last probably three months I've been on what's called rationing. Due to the unavailability of ammunition they give me limited supplies when I place orders. I have to wait weeks, sometimes running out of certain calibers or certain brands of ammunition because of that," said Pedro.

Many gun owners fear that after the Supreme Court ruled last year that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess firearms for personal use, Congress will focus on keeping ammunition out of gun owner's hands, and that's why the buying has begun.

"What that does is, by going out and buying large quantities now, that makes it difficult for the people who want to use it legitimately at this time to acquire it because the supply is decreasing substantially day to day," said Pedro.

It's still not clear if the over-buying is necessary. President Barack Obama's advisors have said that with the economy the way it is, gun control is not exactly on the top of his to do list.

Source: Link Removed
All across the country, gun owners are stockpiling ammunition in anticipation of a series of legislation that would tax bullets.

"They (Congress) think that because they now have a democratic president who might be sympathetic to their cause that it might be easier for them to jam it through," said Jeff Pedro, owner of Sim Trainer shooting range in Moraine. "There's kind of a frenzied state."

Whether the fears are founded is a matter of opinion, but some say the reaction hurts law abiding gun owners. Local ammunition dealers say supply is down dramatically, and it's causing manufacturers to put limits on orders.

"In the last probably three months I've been on what's called rationing. Due to the unavailability of ammunition they give me limited supplies when I place orders. I have to wait weeks, sometimes running out of certain calibers or certain brands of ammunition because of that," said Pedro.

Many gun owners fear that after the Supreme Court ruled last year that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess firearms for personal use, Congress will focus on keeping ammunition out of gun owner's hands, and that's why the buying has begun.

"What that does is, by going out and buying large quantities now, that makes it difficult for the people who want to use it legitimately at this time to acquire it because the supply is decreasing substantially day to day," said Pedro.

It's still not clear if the over-buying is necessary. President Barack Obama's advisors have said that with the economy the way it is, gun control is not exactly on the top of his to do list.

Source: Link Removed
So that means we'll all have that much more ammunition on hand when they do get around to trying to screw us. Personally I trust The Messiah so much that I've got "Buy Ammo" on my calendar reminder ever 60 days.
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When I bought the wife's 9mm, I had to go to four stores to find ANY ammo for it (two Wal-Marts were cleaned out of almost all pistol calibers).

I'm part of the 'problem'- I've bought five pistols in five calibers since October, and every paycheck we're buying a few more boxes of ammo for the stash.

It may not be at the top of the list, but they'll get to it eventually.
When I bought the wife's 9mm, I had to go to four stores to find ANY ammo for it (two Wal-Marts were cleaned out of almost all pistol calibers).

I'm part of the 'problem'- I've bought five pistols in five calibers since October, and every paycheck we're buying a few more boxes of ammo for the stash.

It may not be at the top of the list, but they'll get to it eventually.

Thank goodness all my pistols eat the same thing - .45 ACP
There was/is a "book bomb" going on, and if you should purchase this book, I think you'll be surprised, maybe even shocked, to find out that what is going on right now happened before. Check out this site, Link Removed to learn about the book, and I would highly recommend that you spend the money to get it. Amazon has a good price, and I had the book 2 days after ordering it.

I myself am buying ammo every chance I get, and after I get a little more money, I will be in the market for a good AR-type rifle. I know they're scarce right now, but as long as I can afford the going price, I'll get it. And I'll keep stock-piling can never have enough, especially when you need it.
Guilty as charged. :wacko:

I buy practice ammo at Wal-Mart as they have the best prices and are most convenient. Plus, they often are the only place in town stocking it.

When I get below a coupla hundred rounds, I pick up a coupla hundred more when I'm in the store. But, the previous coupla times I was in there, they were out. I read a thread somewhere about Wal-Mart and "rationing" or whatever. It seems to be true.

Any way, last time I was in, they had 27 boxes of 100 (at their usual low price). I snapped them all up.

I felt guilty about it because the next guy coulda been like me and just wanted a coupla boxes. I have deprived fellow gun owners of practice ammo for a while. The guy behind the counter egged me on, though, saying, "People do it all the time." I guess it's a sign of the times.

I hope this hype about rationing and taxation is all BS. I'll get through these 2700 rounds eventually, but still feel bad about screwing my fellow gun owners.
I got my first order from Shipping for 1000 rounds of 45acp was about $30. not as bad as I thought.
I understood that at some point legislation is going to pass requiring ALL ammunition to be ID stamped, and at that point, we are supposed to "destroy" all non stamped ammo.

How authorities intend to enforce this law I have no idea. But it doesn't make sense to me to stock up and throw away. Look at what Schwarzenegger did in California. No more hunting with "lead" ammo. Jeez the guys not even a natural citizen, and made his fortune and fame with shootem up movies. What a hypocrite. But it just goes to show what can happen.

I thought about buying an AR type weapon before things go really bad. But with the economy and all, and work being scarce for me right now, I decided to trick out my Remington 870 pump instead. I have owned a Colt AR 15 before, and I'm more impressed with the firepower of the .12 ga right now. It's my go to gun, and with the red dot scope I can take out beer cans at 200 ft with slugs or buck shot.
It is not just the ammo either.....a lot of stores, such as Sportsmens Warehouse, Cabelas, have been picked clean of all reloading supplies as well.....row after row of empty shelves where projectiles, primers and powder once is really sad.....
went to a gun show yesterday. all the vendors it seems were low on everything. my brother in law and I went away with a few thousand rounds of what we needed, but what a sad sight to see. I thought this was america?
I go every pay week and grab a box or two of what ever they have I can use just to stock up. Its getting tuff out there.
I was at a few sporting goods stores and Wal-Mart today. If you don't have a .25 auto, you were out of luck for pistol ammo.
Not only have I been buying ammo when I can, I just purchased a Dillon 550B and am in the process of buying bullets, brass, primers and powder too! :victory:
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Bought more .45 and 9mm today.

Sgt. SIG - I love that bumper sticker
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I just bought a 550B three weeks ago and have already loaded over 1000 9mm and 500 45ACP. I'm hoarding brass every chance I get. One range sells it for $1.50/pound and another gets $5/100. I probably have enough 45ACP and 9mm to do 3000 rounds each. My garage looks like an ammo factory.
I just bought a 550B three weeks ago and have already loaded over 1000 9mm and 500 45ACP. I'm hoarding brass every chance I get. One range sells it for $1.50/pound and another gets $5/100. I probably have enough 45ACP and 9mm to do 3000 rounds each. My garage looks like an ammo factory.

I feel jealousy kicking in..
Between two stores today I was able to get 400 rds each of 9mm and .40. You couldn't find both in the same place, and these were major sporting goods stores.
:fie:Well I don't believe it is all about an ammo tax. Down here in the Sunshine State people are afraid that with a Democratic Pres. and Congress that they will somehow ban guns or at least the Forbidden Assault Rifles. There is more.:hang3:The economy sucks and people are getting worried. The economy has driven a new market in home defense.
:wacko:Living in Palm Beach county I go to the local gun show regularly, I was shocked at the number of people there buying guns!! I was also shocked at the pricing on some of these guns. It seems the dealer have learned from the gas companies to use the law of supply and demand.
The internet seems to be the best place for ammo and even weapons.
Did the Wal_mart thang last night. Lots of Shotgun Shells, Lots of .22LR. 1 box of Winchester 9mm that had my name on it. No 40SW, no .45's, no .44mag, no .223's, & a couple boxes of assorted rifle ammo.
my brother in law just lucked out in finding 2 cases of 9mm in blazer brass.. so he bought one of the cases (1000 rounds) and I cleaned them out of .45.. will try to get them again on their next shipment:)

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