Gun Myths..

Had seen it before but it's definitely worth watching. It is a lesson that everyone should learn. Guns aren't evil, the criminals that misuse them are.
Gun Myths

Hats off to John Stossel for this intelligent and perceptive piece. Someone should tell that idiot Sharpton (should be Dullton) That if 90% of the people you pass are carrying deadly weapons, 80% are law-abiding citizens who will not be considering you a target like the other 10% who are Sharpton's homies, who are looking at you as the source of their next rock of crack. The only way to become the target of the 80% is to reveal yourself as one of the 10%, who are, or should be, on their way to their meeting with the coroner.
Like RW, I remember this... Now that this work is 6 years old, there is plenty of updated data available to warrent a fresh look or redo this doc.
Great video. Need more like this where others can know the truth and not just what the liberal media/hollywood stars want you to believe.
I like the contrast between Clinton's petulant "Don't tell me this won't make a difference!" (he doesn't even sound convinced himself) and the stony-faced prisoners sitting there, saying that they don't care about laws and prefer to rob people who they know. They might be thugs, but they're completely realistic.
good report.. nice to see some people in such places who actually have common sense. we need mor eof them... lots more!
I loved the part when they said " We Fear the armed sheep dogs" No going to jail or the police we fear the every day Joe. That was so great.