Gun in car at university?


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I am looking for the code about whether it is legal to keep my handgun locked in my car while at work at a University in Indiana. Yes I do have a permit to carry and know you cannot carry at school, but whether it is legal to keep it in the car is not clear to me, can someone point me to this answer?

IC 35*47*9*1Allows the carry of firearms by persons permitted to possess and who are transporting a person to or from school or a school function.
I interpret this to mean a person with a permit can carry their firearm while dropping off or picking up another person from school. I am not clear about this meaning I can go to work at the university and keep my gun locked in the car? The code says carry but does not say store?
Link Removed only prohibits firearms on school property, meaning primary and secondary schools. It does not prohibit carrying at colleges, universities, or other postsecondary institutions. Unfortunately, one of the many exemptions listed in Link Removed, which generally prohibits employers from prohibiting employees from keeping firearms in their vehicles, is "property belonging to an approved postsecondary educational institution."
Link Removed only prohibits firearms on school property, meaning primary and secondary schools. It does not prohibit carrying at colleges, universities, or other postsecondary institutions. Unfortunately, one of the many exemptions listed in Link Removed, which generally prohibits employers from prohibiting employees from keeping firearms in their vehicles, is "property belonging to an approved postsecondary educational institution."

Thank you for posting this Jim. I tried to see what penalties this involves but I have not found it yet. The university forbids weapons so I am guessing the employee could be fired. I am guessing the employee would also lose their gun permit, not sure about whether this would be a felony?
Thank you for posting this Jim. I tried to see what penalties this involves but I have not found it yet. The university forbids weapons so I am guessing the employee could be fired.
In all likelihood, yes.

I am guessing the employee would also lose their gun permit, not sure about whether this would be a felony?
No. Carrying on a college or university campus is not a crime in Indiana.
Lemme explain... No, there is too much. Lemme sum up.

Indiana Code only bans firearms from primary and secondary school campuses, not post-secondary colleges and universities.

Indiana employers are prohibitted from prohibitting employees from storing firearms in their private vehicles parked on company property.

While universities are employers, students are not generally employees of the university, and even if they are, the above carves out exceptions for a large number of named institutions. Therefore, it is irrelevant to the issue here.

There is no statute in the Indiana Code explicitly, or even tangentially, prohibitting college students from packing on campus, except by way of reference to the activities of primary or secondary schools (if they have a function with children on the college campus, for instance).

None of this prohibits colleges and universities from writing or enforcing non-law rules, regulations, or codes of conduct on their student bodies, but violations of such student codes can never, in and of themselves, rise to the level of an offense, whether civil or criminal.

Violations of any such student codes can and will result in adverse actions taken against you by the college or university up to and including expulsion and loss of scholarship.

That being said, the odds of being caught doing so is incredibly slim, considering the number of LTCHs enrolled versus the number of people so expelled annually. I don't have any solid figures thereto, but if anyone does, I'd be delighted to reference them.

I, myself, spent 3 years in the dorms at IUB with my revolver in my glovebox in the parking lot. Had I implemented a way to bar entry from my dorm room without my immediate consent, I'd have kept it in my nightstand.

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