Gun for the lady


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Hey guys im in the market for a .380 for my fiancee. Ive been looking into the Ruger LCP, but mostly because i want a pocket BUG. But i figure if i get that she can carry it whenever. What are the good .380's out there?
I recommend she read this written by a woman for women who want to carry. Kathy is now Concealed Carry Magazine Editor.

Cornered Cat

Kathy Jackson said:
No one in her right mind fights for the sake of fighting. But if you have to defend yourself, it's good to have sharp claws.

Below you will find articles dealing with gun safety, kids, mindset, and much more. There are glossaries and step-by-step instructions on the shooting basics. If you've ever wondered about the legal or social or practical or ethical aspects of owning a gun or carrying it, or wonder if carrying a gun is right for you, you've come to the right place.

So pull up a chair, sit down, and rest awhile. We have a lot to talk about.
The problem with the pocket .380s such as the Kel-Tec P3AT and the NAA Guardian is that they're small and lightweight that they do not absorb the recoil effectively.

One of the best secrets with respect to CCW is the Bersa Thunder .380. Another option would be a Makarov which is comparable in size.
I was told by one of my instructors "There are two things you never buy a woman, her shoes and her gun. You'll never get the right one."

I would take her to a gun shop to "pick up some ammo" and while your there let her look around. Pay attention to the ones she likes and the ones she does not. Then go from there.

I have a Kel Tec P3AT and like it a lot. Never had any issues with it. I also know someone that had a Kel Tec P32 she traded in for an LCP and has only had good things to say about it. I also know a few people that carry the Bersa Thunder .380 and love it. Really can't go wrong with any of the three.
I was told by one of my instructors "There are two things you never buy a woman, her shoes and her gun. You'll never get the right one."
You are correct, sir. Whenever I make a recommendation I should include the standard disclaimer of try it before you buy it.
I was told by one of my instructors "There are two things you never buy a woman, her shoes and her gun. You'll never get the right one."

I would take her to a gun shop to "pick up some ammo" and while your there let her look around. Pay attention to the ones she likes and the ones she does not. Then go from there.

I have a Kel Tec P3AT and like it a lot. Never had any issues with it. I also know someone that had a Kel Tec P32 she traded in for an LCP and has only had good things to say about it. I also know a few people that carry the Bersa Thunder .380 and love it. Really can't go wrong with any of the three.

I dont plan on getting any gun that she doesnt like or feels uncomfortable with. I went a store today to see what they had with her, but they really didnt have anything there considering the huge rise of gun sales lately.
Okay, so this question .. "pokes the bear" so to say. Definitely check out "Cornered Cat".
Don't demean your lady by assuming she can only handle a .380. Take her to a range and let her see what she is capable of, and comfortabale with. NEVER buy a gun for woman. Every person is different, her ability might surprise you!
Just get her on a range, see what y'all discover together.. then go from there.
My wife chose semi-autos over revolvers everytime I took her along to look at guns. She liked the feel of the Kahr CW9 when we were ready to buy. When we went to the range, she had trouble with the amount of recoil that was not absorbed by the lightweight gun. So, we went looking again. She now has a steel framed Tangfolio BTA-90.
If you are set or she is on a 380 Walther PPK, Beretta are a couple good ones however they are not what you would call a pocket pistol. Let here try some other cal. also. There is no reason why she could not handle a 9mm and there are many good ones that are almost as small as a 380.
If you are set or she is on a 380 Walther PPK, Beretta are a couple good ones however they are not what you would call a pocket pistol. Let here try some other cal. also. There is no reason why she could not handle a 9mm and there are many good ones that are almost as small as a 380.

I dont have my mind totally set on a .380 yet. I still have to take her out to shoot my beretta px4 SC (9mm) to see how she likes a 9mm that size. I just didnt know what were the good .380s out there if she doesnt like the 9mm.
Make sure she can rack the slide on a bad day.

Rule - 1 for a semi for use by a frail person:
Have them rack the slide at least five times quickly.

I bought a lowly KT p-32, then found out my wife
could not rack it reliably, even when warm and dry.

It now has a 1/16" rod through the slide, detoured
around the firing pin, and curved into small "ears"
on each side, which then snap into grooves.
(yes, it's stable and safe)

also of interest: Link Removed
Rule - 1 for a semi for use by a frail person:
Have them rack the slide at least five times quickly.

I bought a lowly KT p-32, then found out my wife
could not rack it reliably, even when warm and dry.

It now has a 1/16" rod through the slide, detoured
around the firing pin, and curved into small "ears"
on each side, which then snap into grooves.
(yes, it's stable and safe)

also of interest: Link Removed

Having "modifications" sticking out on the side of the firearm could lead to snags or other challenges in drawing the firearm from a holster. I strongly recommend to all of my students that their SD firearm should be carried on their person. This applies to both men and women. Many ladies think that "purse carry" is a good option. Many times they overlook the fact that "purse snatchings" occur. I also like to bring up the scenario of how their purse could be across the table at the local fast food joint when the SHTF.

Whatever she chooses is ultimately up to her. I would strongly recommend that she take a defensive handgun course from a professional firearms instructor if she hasn't already.


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