First off. In most states it is illeagle to record a persons voice without their expressed permision or unless you have a court order.
I'm getting off the subject a little, but that's actually a misconception. It is illegal to record people in any way if they believe that the situation is private - such as a phone conversation, or being in their own homes, or a restroom. It is also illegal to record minors in many institutional settings without parental permission (at school, at church, at a youth program, etc).
In a public space, it is absolutely legal to freely record people doing whatever they're doing, and also to record their conversations - by their being in public, they are assumed to have consented to any observation or recording. This is why it's ok to carry a video camera around Disney World, or to put a surveillance camera on every corner. What constitutes a "public space" is often a subject of debate, but the concept is there.
Secondly we are talking about concealed carry. I have a few weapon lights / lasers and none of them are able to be concealed very easily. I mean it could be done but not without a special holster and a more bulky solution.
Then there is the activation of the camera. I would hope that your weapon is never drawn until you are ready to use it. The camera would not be able to record anything until you are drawn down on your target and then AFTER you fire the camera is activated.
In my opinion it is more often than not that the events leading up to the shooting is what is going to make or break you. So all importaint information is lost while your piece sits in its holster.
Yep - I think those two issues (bulk and pre-event time) along with shock/vibration would be the biggest problems here. Miniaturization could help fix the first problem, and video editing software could help get past the shock and vibe, but the problem of lead time is a big one. We don't want people drawing early just so that they can get plenty of good pictures of what happened.
This wouldn't be such a big deal, if it weren't for the people who successfully defend themselves against an attack (and kill/injure a perp) and then get stuck with having to defend themselves against the legal system that is supposed to protect them, because of the stupid laws pushed by the Brady Bunch. I'd like to stick it to the BB by making it easier for video evidence to be used that helps CWP holders.
Probably in this situation, surveillance cameras are a CWP holder's best friend, as much as I hate the things. Something like that can really make or break a self-defense case in court. Maybe if the cameras get a bit smaller, I can have one in my Oakleys? :-D