Grocery store fights back!!!!!!


God Bless Our Troops!!!
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These guys had it together and handled this nicely. Thank God nobody was hurt. This speaks very well for CCW!:13:

One cashier, all of 16 years old, was on her first day on the job.

Probably her last too.
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Nice story. There is no telling what would have happened had the manager and assistant manager not been armed.
Anyone check the mugshots to the left? Some of those are hilarious. 15, 16, and 22 has a funny name...34 is an alien, 40 has an eyebrow tattoo...54 seems to have just gotten out of a beauty parlor. Ahh, so many mugshots, so little time.
mug shots

Anyone check the mugshots to the left? Some of those are hilarious. 15, 16, and 22 has a funny name...34 is an alien, 40 has an eyebrow tattoo...54 seems to have just gotten out of a beauty parlor. Ahh, so many mugshots, so little time.

Poster boys for why we carry guns.
Great story - too bad the paper didn't say something along the lines of "Marshall Hugo Grant fired three rounds from his pistol which he was illegally carrying" and " the store's manager and assistant manager showed undo restraint before presenting their legally owned and carried firearms in defense of their customers and the store".

While we all recognize the significance of this story, I'm afraid the average person who knows nothing about firearms or firearms laws will simply see this as another "violent gun story".
The fact that he was a poor shot might have been all the more reason to take him out. Who know how many innocent people could have been killed because he can't shoot.
The guy's gotta have something missing upstairs if he's worried about armed guys "beating him up" if he drops his gun. Glad he's in jail. I hope he's sterile so he cannot reproduce and pollute the earth.


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