Grassroots Activism In 2008


Staff member
Now Is The Time To Get Ready For Next Year's Key Gun Battles!

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Gun Owners of America

"[Gun Owners of America] has launched grassroots efforts across the nation." -- The Politico, October 15, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Next year is going to be a critical year for gun owners.

The Democratic leadership is going to keep pushing the Veterans Disarmament Act and trying to disarm hundreds of thousands of additional gun owners.

Gun haters like Ted Kennedy are going to continue pushing their anti-gun candidate to be the next director of the BATFE, and if they succeed, we'll see more and more gun stores go out of business. And of course the 2008 elections could prove to be a watershed moment for gun rights.

You can be sure that these are just a few of the battles that Gun Owners of America will be fighting next year -- working together with activists like you.

And that's why we need to be ready. We need to make sure that GOA can mobilize as many gun owners as possible when Congress and the state legislatures get back to work next year.

Last week, we asked you to join GOA or to renew your membership. Today, we need to ask you to do one more thing -- and you can easily do this with just a couple clicks of your mouse.

WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS, YOU ARE GOING TO BE RECEIVING A SECOND E-MAIL FROM GOA which you can send to your pro-gun families and friends.

PLEASE CIRCULATE THAT E-MAIL to as many gun owners as you can and encourage them to join GOA -- or at least sign up for these free e-mail alerts -- so that we can continue the fight to defend our Second Amendment rights.

Gun Owners of America has emerged as the leader on Capitol Hill in fighting to defend your gun rights. It was GOA that teamed up with Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma to stall the Veterans Disarmament Act in the Senate.

As stated in The Hill newspaper: "The National Rifle Association (NRA) supports the bill, which its board member and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.) helped to craft, but the Gun Owners of America (GOA) has backed Coburn and mobilized its grassroots against the measure."

We plan to keep mobilizing against the bill in 2008. Please help us get more gun owners ready to muster in the fight for our liberties!

Thank you for your support.

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