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I've been under the weather or a few days and just checked my email. I called my senators and they are in session now. I'm not sure they are going to bring this up today or not. Please call your senator anyway.
It is crunch time for H. 3212, the concealed weapon permit (CWP) recognition/reciprocity bill that has been awaiting Senate action since March 26, 2008, when the House refused to concur with the Senate amendment just as GrassRoots GunRights asked them to refuse to do.
The Senate version of H. 3212 is completely unacceptable to gun owners. GrassRoots GunRights provided a detailed analysis of the Senate amendment to H. 3212 to every member of the House in a letter dated March 24, 2008. The GrassRoots analysis - which is repeated below - exposes exactly why the Senate amendment would make South Carolina CWP law worse than existing law. Interestingly, the Senate amendment would change the law so drastically that South Carolina could not even get reciprocity with itself! The Senate version of H. 3212 should be opposed by all pro gun rights supporters!
Multiple independent practicing pro gun rights attorneys have read the GrassRoots analysis of the Senate version of H. 3212, and all have agreed the GrassRoots analysis is legally sound (their letters of agreement can be found on the GrassRoots web site). Not a single independent practicing pro gun rights attorney has found fault with the GrassRoots analysis of H. 3212.
Call your senator and tell them "GrassRoots GunRights speaks for me on H. 3212!" Use the Senate switchboard (803) 212-6200, or use the individual office numbers listed here. Current GrassRoots Action Alert
It is crunch time for H. 3212, the concealed weapon permit (CWP) recognition/reciprocity bill that has been awaiting Senate action since March 26, 2008, when the House refused to concur with the Senate amendment just as GrassRoots GunRights asked them to refuse to do.
The Senate version of H. 3212 is completely unacceptable to gun owners. GrassRoots GunRights provided a detailed analysis of the Senate amendment to H. 3212 to every member of the House in a letter dated March 24, 2008. The GrassRoots analysis - which is repeated below - exposes exactly why the Senate amendment would make South Carolina CWP law worse than existing law. Interestingly, the Senate amendment would change the law so drastically that South Carolina could not even get reciprocity with itself! The Senate version of H. 3212 should be opposed by all pro gun rights supporters!
Multiple independent practicing pro gun rights attorneys have read the GrassRoots analysis of the Senate version of H. 3212, and all have agreed the GrassRoots analysis is legally sound (their letters of agreement can be found on the GrassRoots web site). Not a single independent practicing pro gun rights attorney has found fault with the GrassRoots analysis of H. 3212.
Call your senator and tell them "GrassRoots GunRights speaks for me on H. 3212!" Use the Senate switchboard (803) 212-6200, or use the individual office numbers listed here. Current GrassRoots Action Alert