@#$# $##$ gov't spending!!!


Titles are un-American.
Ugh. I hate taxes.

Why am I paying for people to sit on ass in the HUD hood, have babies and eat garbage, a habit which will require further expenditures down the line to unclog their completely solid arteries in a state-sponsored hospital? If not that, Tyvek might shoot Krylon (well, maybe...shooting sideways is always a hit-or-miss thing) with the Cheapest Ammo In the World, which will require a 2-month ICU stay for Krylon and then a lifelong stay in the carrot patch, hooked up to the Most Expensive Machines In the World.

There should be a minimum work requirement of some kind for welfare - X number of hrs per month picking up on the highways, painting public buildings, or if you can't do that, just do ANYTHING...be a greeter at the DMV. There is currently NO incentive for people to not receive a government check in the mail every month. Medicaid should also have a physical maintenance component. In Britain, they make people under the gov't system meet some weight/blood pressure metrics, and if they don't, then they have to go to outdoor aerobics classes on the weekends. Our entitlement benefits are even more stupid than they would otherwise be, because we attach absolutely no sense of responsibility to it. It's all need-based, so you just sign up and get it.

I study, go to work, work out and eat sensibly - and as if they hadn't already leeched enough, I have to watch out for those same people thugging it up, out to kill me for my car or something shiny.

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This seems to be the theme of life for many people in our lovely Republic. When did being personally accountable and responsible for your actions go out of style? Why would any adult want someone else to be responsible for their health, happiness and success? When you figure out the answer let me know....
Many people have figured out they can do better by living off the goverment, than they can working a low income job. Sadly, guess which they choose to do.
What is going on here?

How Long Do We Have?

About the time our original thirteen state adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at
the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public

"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years."

"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage"
i agree..

however some people need the help. i have a autistic child ad he recieves SSi an medicaid. we could never afford his meds otherwise. and my wife and i both work, pay taxes, blah,blah. but this business of sitting on your butt eating pork rinds and big red , watching oprah, with the only goal in life is to create more without working, does not work for me. there should be some responsibility somewhere. i do excuse those who are mentally/physically unable to work. i believe in helping those who aren't able to help themselves. This is biblical. but if you can work and live/continue to live off the sweat of others, no good. but like grandma used to say.." that's alright. they'll get theirs one day."
however some people need the help. i have a autistic child ad he recieves SSi an medicaid. we could never afford his meds otherwise. and my wife and i both work, pay taxes, blah,blah. but this business of sitting on your butt eating pork rinds and big red , watching oprah, with the only goal in life is to create more without working, does not work for me. there should be some responsibility somewhere. i do excuse those who are mentally/physically unable to work. i believe in helping those who aren't able to help themselves. This is biblical. but if you can work and live/continue to live off the sweat of others, no good. but like grandma used to say.." that's alright. they'll get theirs one day."

And^^here's the problem. boris and his family have demonstrated that they are entirely deserving of being provided the assistance they need to take care of their family by doing just as he describes. How do we set up a 'deserving of aid test' that is properly just and honestly administered. Government has repeatedly proven itself inept at that task.

boris: I have friends who teach autistic children and you've got a tough task there. Keep it up, but know that when you see discussions like this, most of us are with you on this. We have no desire to abandon good, hard-working families who need some help to deal with what life has given them. Most who complain here are angry at those who manipulate the system and could be assistors rather than assisted if they had the ambition of a normal adult.
And^^here's the problem. boris and his family have demonstrated that they are entirely deserving of being provided the assistance they need to take care of their family by doing just as he describes. How do we set up a 'deserving of aid test' that is properly just and honestly administered. Government has repeatedly proven itself inept at that task.

boris: I have friends who teach autistic children and you've got a tough task there. Keep it up, but know that when you see discussions like this, most of us are with you on this. We have no desire to abandon good, hard-working families who need some help to deal with what life has given them. Most who complain here are angry at those who manipulate the system and could be assistors rather than assisted if they had the ambition of a normal adult.

I agree. I have no problem helping someone that helps themselves. As I am sure most of you are aware I am a pharmacist. On a daily basis I see mentally challenged people who maintain jobs, people that only have one leg, and people that truly do the best they can. These unfortunate people can receive no help with their medications from the government. Then there are the people that simply do not want to work. They just want to sit at home and take their "meds". They have to pay for nothing themselves. It is very frustrating to see these unfortunate, deserving people not get their medications because they can not afford them. Yet the other group sits at home in an opiate related haze all the time.
however some people need the help. i have a autistic child ad he recieves SSi an medicaid. we could never afford his meds otherwise.
Definitely - and these are the ppl I don't mind helping out with tax dollars. That's what the system should be for, instead of those who just can't pull themselves away from Springer.
I have to say that I am onboard here.Boris,as previously stated,it is pretty clear to all of us that you and your wife are not community sponges just out to suck up all you can get.Note:I said you are NOT.I know what it is like to have a sucky job.When my sun was born we had medicaid for him and my wife.We were both working at a fast food place.We got the help when we needed it.Now,we don't.I am working a good job and we are contributing to the community.But there are those who simply don't want to contribute.I don't mind helping people who need it.I do mind helping people who don't need it.
One big problem are those families that have been on assistance for generations. They don't know anything different and have never been challenged to change their sense of normality. On the other hand the truly Disabled need all the help they can get and being disabled I know first hand what they go through.

yeah, when i was working on the east side, you cannot imagine..... able bodied young men and women sitting outside their apt drinking, etc when they could be wrking, going to school, etc jst causing rpoblems. and te few that did work... always too tired to cause problems because they had a job and if you gripe, you are a racist, facist, bigot, etc i for one am tired of it.
yeah, when i was working on the east side, you cannot imagine..... able bodied young men and women sitting outside their apt drinking, etc when they could be wrking, going to school, etc jst causing rpoblems. and te few that did work... always too tired to cause problems because they had a job and if you gripe, you are a racist, facist, bigot, etc i for one am tired of it.
Every day when I go to work, I pass a soup kitchen. Unfailingly, there's always between 10-20 guys (no women) standing out back sitting around talking. Sometimes they're playing basketball, sometimes having a BBQ, whatever. I never see any in wheelchairs, and they always look to be between 25-40 yoa...some black, some white; it's a pretty good mix with no bias either way.

There's a couple of other areas where all sorts of homeless people hang out. Again, while they don't look like they're in awesome health, they're not crippled, and they mostly just seem to be sitting around waiting for the Apocalypse.

Can't these people be doing something useful? Anything at all would be preferable to absolutely nothing.
there are things they could do....

hey, i have a crappy job and it's only 2 days a week. but i got one.they could gater trash, sweep floors , there are things they could d if they wanted to work. ok, now for my story. my last job was working armed security at a apartment on te east side of Ft. Worth. well, i had been in a few fights, had nearly been run over by a car and had nearly gotten into a firefight. if i could have located the shooter{s} there would have been one. while this was happening, i called the boss for backup. he told me don't get shot and hungup. i called pd. they never arrived. i called my partned and she was in route and i told her what was happening she called me as she pulled into the gate and i told her to stay there and watch for me to make sure we got back to the office. as i came up thru the alley, she was there , weapon at the ready. i was hot needless to say because the boss, IMO, hung me out to dry. anyway we compared notes and concluded the boss was in on something. better not say more than that. anyway, i always told my wife about my day . when i got home , she was facing the wall, crying, house a disaster. she looked at me and said she needed to go back to work. she had been home with j every since his diagnosis and had handled it. shejust couldn't do it anymore. and j. is going thru adolescence now and eerything that that means, she said i needed to stay home. oh, and that i was getting to old to be chasing these young punks and dope dealers and tiredof worrying that one night i was not gonna come home. i said ok, and resigned. my partner resigned about 4 weeks later and said it got worse. and the boss ? big trouble with the state. anyway, i guess it was a good thing because in thenext year and 1/2, mostof my family had passed on. if it hdn't been for HK, i would have been in bad shape. my wife an i now work at our local walmart. it's close, and we bought a house, a fixer upper, but it will be ours. guess it's good since gas is 3.60 a gallon now. my wife likes her job. i hate mine, but i work with good people so it's bearable most of the time. i don't wear a badge anymore, but i still watch people's hands and navel. i still am on watch, i guess i always will be.i don't know when or if i will ever be able to turn it off. now you know......the rest of the story...