Tool Maker
cgnavarro: I don't think what I was doing was erecting a strawman nearly so much as begging the question. The question was, at what point am I, if I were the woman in the OP's post, to believe I am no longer threatened by a purse snatcher?
Just to bracket the question, let's start at the moment in time when he bumps into me, grabs my purse and begins the process of taking it. This is when I become aware that he even exists and once I become aware of his actions, to perceive that he is a threat that may be in need of a .44MAG off switch.
The other end of the threat window would be when he visibly speeds away beyond my range of visual perception, as opposed to merely turning a corner to vanish from my sight, because at that point he would still be well within physical range of many weapon systems, not just guns or knives, but bows & arrows or crossbows as well. The only optional end of the threat window that comes sooner is when the criminal is visibly disabled, or voluntarily disables himself.
No one has a responsibility of waiting to the end of any threat window to end of the accord of the person threatening them. Everyone is free to act to shorten it themselves. This woman, very wisely, retained her personal protection side arm in her grip when the criminal established himself as a threat.
He started it. She finished it. Nuf Sed.
gdcleanfun: That was the point I was trying to make, just in my own, Asbergery way. I think your single post, in the end, contained more points than all of mine put together.
Just to bracket the question, let's start at the moment in time when he bumps into me, grabs my purse and begins the process of taking it. This is when I become aware that he even exists and once I become aware of his actions, to perceive that he is a threat that may be in need of a .44MAG off switch.
The other end of the threat window would be when he visibly speeds away beyond my range of visual perception, as opposed to merely turning a corner to vanish from my sight, because at that point he would still be well within physical range of many weapon systems, not just guns or knives, but bows & arrows or crossbows as well. The only optional end of the threat window that comes sooner is when the criminal is visibly disabled, or voluntarily disables himself.
No one has a responsibility of waiting to the end of any threat window to end of the accord of the person threatening them. Everyone is free to act to shorten it themselves. This woman, very wisely, retained her personal protection side arm in her grip when the criminal established himself as a threat.
He started it. She finished it. Nuf Sed.
gdcleanfun: That was the point I was trying to make, just in my own, Asbergery way. I think your single post, in the end, contained more points than all of mine put together.