Carry in your home until the permit arrives. Check yourself in a mirror regularly. Ask for comments from any in the house who know you plan on carrying. When your CWP arrives, and you carry in public for the first time, you won't be so nervous about whether you are printing or not.
Oh, congrats on the new holster, too.
Did you order it directly from, if so, when did you order it? I ordered mine Sunday night and want to know how long before I should expect it. I also ordered black. Thanks for posting the pics. I went with the 715 open-top, no thumb break for my XD.
Comments from wearing it at home?
Carry in your home until the permit arrives. Check yourself in a mirror regularly. Ask for comments from any in the house who know you plan on carrying. When your CWP arrives, and you carry in public for the first time, you won't be so nervous about whether you are printing or not.
Oh, congrats on the new holster, too.
I did order it from Don Hume. I ordered on March 16, and it got here on May 1st. Call them and they can give you a ball park time frame. They are super nice. I have enjoyed breaking it in. It's comfortable and conceals well. I don't know whether I like the thumb break or not. It adds a little extra time on the draw which is not a good thing, but practice will fix that!