Got My Don Hume Today!


New member
I got my Don Hume IWB holster and a new belt today!:biggrin: Now to break it in as I patiently wait for the CWP! I'm trying to get the pictures up!
Carry in your home until the permit arrives. Check yourself in a mirror regularly. Ask for comments from any in the house who know you plan on carrying. When your CWP arrives, and you carry in public for the first time, you won't be so nervous about whether you are printing or not.

Oh, congrats on the new holster, too.
Did you order it directly from, if so, when did you order it? I ordered mine Sunday night and want to know how long before I should expect it. I also ordered black. Thanks for posting the pics. I went with the 715 open-top, no thumb break for my XD.

Comments from wearing it at home?
Carry in your home until the permit arrives. Check yourself in a mirror regularly. Ask for comments from any in the house who know you plan on carrying. When your CWP arrives, and you carry in public for the first time, you won't be so nervous about whether you are printing or not.

Oh, congrats on the new holster, too.

Oh come on, remember the first time you carried in public? Was there ANYTHING during it that you were NOT nervous about??

It's amazing how it never prints in the mirror in the house but makes a darn six inch bulge in the exact shape of a gun as soon as you leave that front door the first time ... you are just sure of it.:fie:

Going out in public at first was tense for me also but didn't take long to get use to it, but the worst was the first few times I would walk in to Country Kitchen where a lot of our county sheriff department eat, now that really made me nervous. I to have a Don Hume IWB 715, it's not my main CC but it is a good holster.
Did you order it directly from, if so, when did you order it? I ordered mine Sunday night and want to know how long before I should expect it. I also ordered black. Thanks for posting the pics. I went with the 715 open-top, no thumb break for my XD.

Comments from wearing it at home?

I did order it from Don Hume. I ordered on March 16, and it got here on May 1st. Call them and they can give you a ball park time frame. They are super nice. I have enjoyed breaking it in. It's comfortable and conceals well. I don't know whether I like the thumb break or not. It adds a little extra time on the draw which is not a good thing, but practice will fix that!
Well I ordered it Sunday night and they contacted me stating a 12-14 week delivery. So I canceled today and ordered a Crossbreed Supertuck instead (3 week delivery). I'll still look for a used DH715 on ebay (lots of clone DH715's on there ready to ship it appears).

Thanks for the reply.
Carry in your home until the permit arrives. Check yourself in a mirror regularly. Ask for comments from any in the house who know you plan on carrying. When your CWP arrives, and you carry in public for the first time, you won't be so nervous about whether you are printing or not.

Oh, congrats on the new holster, too.

good good advice. get comfy with it first and make sure you do not PRINT
I did order it from Don Hume. I ordered on March 16, and it got here on May 1st. Call them and they can give you a ball park time frame. They are super nice. I have enjoyed breaking it in. It's comfortable and conceals well. I don't know whether I like the thumb break or not. It adds a little extra time on the draw which is not a good thing, but practice will fix that!

i would cut off the thumb break. in an emergency, you need that sucker in a flash, and DH holsters are tight enough the weapon will not easily slip out, unless you're hanging upside-down.
I just got my OWB for a g23 delivered to me this morning, I ordered it in april and was planning on waiting another month before it got here. But It seems like a great holster for less than $60 I'd say it was worth the wait.
I recently purchased a Don Hume open top IWB holster for my PPK/S and happy with the construction.
I looked at the DH IWB and they are a very fine product. I also looked on e-bay and found a great IWB holster for half the $$ and it does a great job. Made in the USA by Holsterpro Gun Leather. send me a pm and I will send you the link or if the bosses say so I will post it for all to see.

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