Got my CWP today!!

Thats awesome my friend. I too live in Cherokee County and received mine in 8 days. Isn't that great considering other friends of ours in other states have wait sooo long. Like I said, it's great we live in Georgia. Just be careful out there. I don't know where you shoot at but maybe some time we need to get together at the range.
unless you have had formal defensive and tactical handgun training, you don't know what you don't know.
I agree.. When I was in the Coast Guard, they made us go through a class, You had a 45 with plastic bullets in the gun. They had butcher paper hanging and a net behind the paper (to catch the bullet). They then showed films on the paper. You had to act as if it was a real situation (yell at the screen, etc). You chose to shot, or don't shoot.. If you shot, they stopped the projector. You could then see if you hit the target or not. Then they would roll the film forward and you would see the rest of the scenario..
You learn that you have about .2 seconds to make a life and death decision.. Sometimes their life, sometimes yours..
I would take another training class like this in a heartbeat, and would every other year or so, just to remain sharp!

JJFlash - how much did the class cost, and what/how did they cover?

The class was $1200 but I received a Springfield XD .45, with case, belt, extra mags, knife, flashlight, etc. as part of the deal. I cannot say enough about the training. It was superb. I took my wife, who has never fired a weapon of any kind, and at the end of the 4 days, she could draw from a concealed holster and plant two in the thorasic cavity in about 1.5 seconds. We shot moving targets, stationary targets, cleared rooms, had hostage-taking situations, shot two-handed, one-handed, used some martial arts techniques in tactial scenarios, and much more. I was so impressed I returned home and immediately purchased a lifetime membership at Frontsight. My whole mentality has changed since this instruction. You will NOT be disappointed.

I live in jersey and was told that I could go to pa and get a non resident ccp. my question is where do I go "in person" to get it?
No-can-do on the PA permit. In order to get a NR permit in PA, you must first obtain a permit from your home state. Since you have a snowballs-chance-in-hell of getting a NJ permit, you won't be able to get a PA NR permit.

But, why would you want one anyway? Get a UT permit. Many more reciprocal states, PA being one of them. DE, being another.
How many days since you got your application letter? Its been over sixty days for me since I got the letter mine was in process.
Thanks guys. I am way more comfortable now with carrying. I have been carrying a SIG 229 or a USP 45 and am very comfortable. I carry IWB with a Kholster.

JJ, Thanks for the advice. It makes absolute sense, and I am going to take some classes, and I am looking forward to it. I am going to join a local club as well.

Glockdog, Me and my buddy shoot at Bullseye in Cumming. It is only 15 minutes from my house, and it is a very clean, well ventillated range, with really cool employees. Anytime you want to go just give me a holler...

[email protected]....

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