The Gunny

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Okay here's the deal I have a Kimber Custom 2. I love the gun shoots great never jams but it requires the appropriate holster. Here are some of the ones I have been looking at.

Galco Combat Master
Don Hume semi open front pancake model H726
Milt Sparks extreme high rise

I like leather for a quality holster. I am shopping for the best deal I can get I have been looking in the $50-$100 price range. Is there another make or model I should look at?

Anyone have one of these and what are your likes/dislikes.

Bob Mernickle makes the absolute best holsters I've tried. His PS6 would fit right in your price range. It's very comfortable. Bob is very well respected by the magazines and custom gun builders. Here's a link:

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I see you like a Hi-Rise. You might also look at the Galco Concealable. One of my favorites.
i have the combat master too and use it everyday. i like it alot. i have others too for different carry modes. i have the sky opps for a tuckable iwb. most of my holsters are galco. i've been thinking about getting a shoulder holster probably the miami classic for winter, i spend most of my time driving.
S'long as we're on the subject, I'm in the market for a Low-Rise scabbard holster for the 4" Kimber. I've looked through all my links (and I've got a bunch of them!) without success.

I'll tell you something interesting, though...

We have Glock 27's and I've got a Galco Concealable for them. The Kimber 3" fits it like a glove, and draws even more easily from it than does the Glock. It occurs to me that a Concealable for a 4" Glock (G23 for example) might be just the ticket for the Kimber.

Whaddaya think?
For a high riding OWB I really like my Milt Sparks 60TK. ;)

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Thanks for all the good advice.

I am really interested in the one from Mernickle. Some one here who is a 1911 fan like myself had also suggested that one for a full size 45 in strong side carry mode it is one of the best you can get. Plus he puts a 5 year warantee behind his work you gotta love that! I was just looking at holsters but might spring for the whole system which includes belt and mag holders. I looked at it and really got interested.
Holsters 45

Gunny, here are a couple that I use, the first one will even hold my mdl 59 & 52 S&W as well. Both these are from El Paso. ;) :D
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I have a tucker IWB nice but pricey and took awhile to get. I have a desanti OWB works nice price good, orded a DonHume last week IWB was told they work nice for the H+K it is going to be for, will let you know, hopefully this coming week. and price was very good.

One really nice feature on the Mernickle holsters is the leather flap that goes behind the belt, which has an extra leather piece attached to it. He calls this the "wedge". It presses out on the bottom of the holster enough to keep the grip of the gun pressed slightly against you. I'm getting ready to order one for my Sig 229 to go with my other one.

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