Good Gun Shop in Southern New Hamphshire


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Looking for a Good Gun Shop in Southern New Hamphshire

I live in Cook County, Illinois. I'm visiting my parents just South of Lawrence, Mass. Since New Hampshire has always seeming like the Promised Land of Gun Rights, I was hoping that some of you guys from around here might direct me to a good gun shop somewhere near the Massachusetts border. Thanks in advance!
Shops in/near NH

The Kittery Trading Post in Kittery, ME is a great place to go, it is one of the larger shops in the area. You can also try Link Removed, in Mason, NH. They are in different directions, but are both about an hour from Lawrence. Happy hunting!
Ahhh, Lawrence...My old stomping grounds then into Methuen where My Mother still lives. Those were the days.
Ok, I know on here there is a list in the NH thread for listing of shops, BUT if you want to pm me I'll give you directions for the immediate ones I frequent in the "general " area.
Here are a "few" in the general area for NH just South of Lawrence.
Al's Gun
5 Linwood Ave. in Derry, NH

Costa Arms
15 Church St. in Kingston, NH (up rte.125)

Daves Sporting Good
111 Plaistow Rd. in Plaistow, NH (which is Rte.125) go 495 north to Plaistow/Haverhill exit/rte.125 and he is probably 2-3 miles on your right in a small plaza.

Great Northern Sports
237 Rockingham Rd. in Derry, NH (which is Rte.28) If you know Broadway in Lawrence this takes you right into Methuen, Salem then Derry.

State Line Sporting
in Plaistow, NH right up the street from Daves. Go through traffic lights after Daves and they are on your right. Can't miss them.

There ARE MORE, BUT these are in the "general" location from Lawrence just over the line into NH. You need help finding them let me know. I've lived in Lawrence growing up for about 8 yrs, then just over the line in Methuen for 22 yrs, now just over into NH for the past 17, so I know the area pretty well.
Buckboy DID mention others, even though they are a hour away I wouldn't consider them in the "general" area of Lawrence. (no offense Buckboy)Kittery IS a BIG store though.

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