Good by Safety inspection.


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Senate Committee Votes to eliminate 'Safety Inspection' Requirement
Legislative Update By David Felbeck, MCRGO's Legislative Analyst

On June 10th the Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to recommend the passage of SB 370 and SB 371. These bills, in conjunction with HB 4490 and HB 4491, which have already been passed by the House, will eliminate the requirement that any pistol purchaser must have the pistol "safety inspected" by the local police within ten days of purchase.

SB 370 was sponsored by Senator Richardville, and SB 371 by Senator Cropsey. About twelve people, excluding the Committee and staff, were present. Following an explanation of the bills by a representative of Senator Richardville, MCRGO's legislative analyst briefly described the difficulties under present law faced by a pistol purchaser and made a plea not only for passage of the current bills but for complete elimination of the pistol purchase permit as well. No one else testified, either for or against these bills.

When these bills and the companion bills are passed by both houses, and the governor signs them, prospective purchasers of pistols will still have to obtain purchase permits from their local law enforcement office. CPL licensees, as is currently the case, will not be required to obtain purchase permits.

Committee members supporting both bills were Senators Kuipers (chairman), Cropsey, Whitmer, Clarke, and Pruse. Senators Sanborn and Patterson were not present.

The bills now go to the full Senate for action.

I'm optomisitc that it goes through, but not holding my breath. It seems the last I had read, the whole bill was watered down and not going to make much of a difference. When I read the update on MCRGO I was surprised to see it in close to the original state. I didn't see anything relating to expulsion of the "safety inspections" records done in the past.
update as of 6/18

Just saw this...

Senate passes SB 370 and SB 3712008/06/18
Legislative Update
These bills, in conjunction with HB 4490 and HB 4491, which have already been passed by the House, will eliminate the requirement that any pistol purchaser must have the pistol "safety inspected" by the local police within ten days of purchase.
I am guessing this is only for the "safety inspection"? will registration of all firearms still be required? if so... what's the point?
The "Safety Inspection" as it is called by the state is what is oft referred to as "Registration" so if we are no longer required to have one then we loose the latter as well.
us Michiganders will be counting on skipjack 1st to keep us posted now that he has his computer back.
The "Safety Inspection" as it is called by the state is what is oft referred to as "Registration" so if we are no longer required to have one then we loose the latter as well.

no more registration? in that case it's a big step in the right direction.
so has anyone heard any news on the subject? I've been trying to search for info on when things may be passed in the senate but haven't had any luck.
Actually thee are two separate ones to keep an eye on and that is SB 370 and SB 371 click the links for full details.

I hope the Governor signs the bills. It shouldn't be up to one person to element the passage. Scarecrow, I didn't expect any bad news from your range report. You purchased top quality and we had no doubts. glad you enjoyed it.
as of yet, i have not herd weather or not the gov granholm will sign the bill's. she has untill the 17th to make up her mined
Just read this...
Friday, July 11, 2008

On Thursday July 10, Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) signed into law the Post-Purchase "Safety Inspection" Repeal Package.
These important bills, Senate Bill 370 and House Bills 4490 and 4491, will remove the cumbersome post-purchase “safety inspection” on handguns and will go into immediate effect. The requirement of a safety inspection was a burdensome waste of time for law-abiding gun owners and these bills will address that inconvenience.
Thank you to all NRA members who answered the call to help enact this legislation. Without you, this victory would not have been possible.
Sheldon.. Where did you get your inforamtion as to JG signing the bills? I have yet to see it in my nornal places. Did they go through with the part on expunging the records?
received this in my e mail today yes we still have a form of registration but...

Michigan Eliminates it's so-called Pistol 'Safety' Inspection
Commentary by Steve Dulan

The way we handle post-purchase paperwork for pistols will be changing. New legislation amending Public Act 372, co-sponsored by 4 members of the MCRGO Board of Directors (Representatives Sheltrown and Casperson and Senators Cropsey and Richardville) among others, was signed into law last week by the Governor. The new rules (paraphrased for clarity) are as follows:

The so-called "safety inspection" is eliminated. The seller of a pistol shall immediately record the sale on a 4-part (quadruplicate) form provided by the Department of State Police, which the purchaser shall sign. One copy is kept by the seller. One copy is kept by purchaser. Two copies are sent to the police department or county sheriff within 10 days. The forms can be hand-delivered or sent by first-class or certified mail (I recommend certified and hang onto your receipts.) Failure to comply with this rule is civil infraction punishable by a fine of $250 maximum. Violations will also be reported to the state police and the county gun board.

The police agency will forward one copy to the state police within 48 hours, and keep the other for at least 6 years. The state police will enter the information into the computer data base within 10 days of receiving it. The purchaser has a right to get a copy of the information that is entered to verify the accuracy of the information. The police or sheriff's department can charge a fee of $1.00 maximum for the copy. The purchaser has to keep his/her copy of the form while carrying or using the pistol for the first 30 days after purchase. After that time, the form need not be carried.

This law takes effect January 7th, 2009. Public Acts No. 194, 195, 196.

I've had the opportunity to hear and read many comments on this law, including during a recent visit to the Multi Lakes Conservation Club, where I was honored to be welcomed as a representative of MCRGO and hear questions and comments. Some of the comments expressed disappointment that we still have pistol registration. While it is true that this legislation, like most legislation, has gone through changes from the original proposed law, it is still a victory for gun owners. Even though we didn't get everything on our wish list, our friends in the legislature have managed to eliminate the ridiculous "safety inspection." Now, we don't have to make that trip down to the police station to hold the gun up to the bullet-proof glass for a clerk to copy down the serial number.

Keep in mind that there are legislators who are not at all supportive of gun rights and would just as soon increase our inconvenience and expense rather than make things better for gun owners. Politics in a representative democracy is the art of the possible. While this new law still requires registration, that has been a fact of life for a couple of generations in Michigan. At least we don't have to make that post-purchase trip to the police station anymore once this new law takes effect.

In fact, for those with a CPL (Concealed Pistol License), no trip to the police/sheriff's department is required. The seller simply records the CPL license information on the form and the new owner signs and submits the forms by mail. This is much more efficient and less time-consuming than the old system.

Those of us who think logically about this issue know that the central fallacy of all gun control law is the idea that criminals will obey gun control laws while ignoring other laws. However, we still have a long way to go in convincing our fellow citizens and arriving at a consensus on this issue. Since being elected to the MCRGO Board of Directors a few years back, I've had numerous discussions with gun owners about this simple truth. The best suggestion I have for all of us is to continue to engage gun control advocates in calm, reasoned debate. The truth is on our side of this argument. But, being correct is not sufficient. We have to sway our fellow citizens.

They key area of agreement on both sides of the gun control debate is the desire for safety. Some of our neighbors are lacking in experience with, and knowledge of guns. Why not invite a few anti-gunners to the range? Let them see how a well-run range is one of the safest places on Earth. Let them see that we gun owners are thoughtful, solid citizens. Give them the opportunity to realize that guns are useful in their lives for self-defense and recreation. If we want to further improve the legal and public policy system regarding guns, we need to win more hearts and minds so that our allies in the legislature can continue to push the law more into line with common sense.

In short, instead of complaining that the glass is still half empty, let's congratulate our legislators for successfully pouring a little more water into it even as some of their colleagues were attempting to jostle their collective elbow.

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