Today we are on a quest to obtain an eight MM Mauser. It will be my son's first Centerfire rifle. He has done all the research and knows exactly what he wants. I hope we find it within reason! If he has any cash left...He is buying ammo and cleaning stuff.:18:
Now that is very cool. My son and I have gone gun shopping together and I've bought him a few guns over the years. It's always great to take him shooting with a gift you bought him. It is also good to hear you son did the research and decided for himself what he wanted. You guys are going to have a lot of enjoyable times together!
jealous jealous jealous! I would love a new gun for a gift. unfortunately my real dad was too busy getting drunk or high to take care of his family or spend quality time with... no hard feelings though. but man talk about the ultimate gift idea...
I came home from work to find 2 new additions to the gun case!
A 1943 Mosin Nagant and a Turkish 8MM Mauser.
Pictures are a soon as we get them cleaned up!:50:
I came home from work to find 2 new additions to the gun case!
A 1943 Mosin Nagant and a Turkish 8MM Mauser.
Pictures are a soon as we get them cleaned up!:50: