Welcome to the forum!
I'm not really understanding your post.
Are you seeking advice on making camping preps for a family?
If so, we need to know more to help.
For Instance-
- Is the family experienced at camping? (What level?)
- What are the ages & physical abilities of the family?
- Do you plan on camping in a modern campground with amenities? (RV, tent or combination?)
- Maybe you are going into the back country; (Are you driving or hiking to the campsite?)
- What terrain? (Desert, swamp, mountains, etc)
- Are you going to be camping in a state park, national forest or where?
- How long will you be camping? (overnight, weekend, longer?)
- Have you taken inventory of all the equipment you have and the family has?
- Has the available equipment been inspected recently? (Make sure everything works and nothing leaks!)
More info would be helpful. But, just off the top of my head,
- entertaining the kids and keeping them focused can be a challenge depending on their ages.
- Everyone needs a job around camp! Kids can gather tender & wood for a fire. They can also help clean up.
- If camping in bear country or areas with large predator populations, the camp leader (I assume you), will need to lay out a very clear & specific set of wildlife safety rules!
Beyond this make sure everybody has a buddy they are accountable to and for throughout the trip. Make sure nobody goes anywhere alone; not even to relieve themselves. If you will be hiking or doing other activities, you may want to invest in a few handheld radios;
(cell phones may not work in some areas). Make sure there is at least one compass and a map of the area.
Fun activities can include lessons in outdoor skills;
(compass use, map reading, fire building, shelter making etc). If the kids are really young, you may want to have a few comfort items from home available. A favorite toy, stuffed animal, blanket & story book can make night time less scary, or making it through a storm easier.
Outdoor cooking can also be very entertaining for all ages. A stew & dutch oven cobbler are usually a hit with everyone. Then of course smore's & hotdogs over a fire is always a great idea.
One last comment- If this is the first outing for the family you need to make it a easy one! I wouldn't do a back country or truly "primitive" camp with in experienced campers. Make this a fun focused & easy trip and you will be sure to have future ones. But, make it too boring or too difficult and you may lose any future family opportunities.
Good Luck!