Glossary of gun related terms


New member
Let's start a glossary for the newbies that will be attracted to this site. Luke can piece it together in an appropriate format (If he wants).

Four Rules

1. The gun is always loaded. Treat the gun as if it is loaded even if you
cleared the chamber
2. Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your ready to fire.
4. Be sure of your target and the surroundings of the target.

Conditions of firearm carry

Condition 0. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is off.
Condition 1. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is on.
Condition 2. The chamber is loaded and the hammer is down
Condition 3. The chamber is empty and the magazine is loaded
Condition 4. The chamber is empty, the hammer is down, no magazine

Accidental discharge An unintended discharge of the firearms
resulting from a firearm malfunction

Negligent discharge An unintended dishcarge caused by carelessness

SCOTUS The Sepreme Court of the United States

RKBA The right to keep and bear arms

FMJ Full metal jacket. The bullet is fully covered by a metal jacket

JHP Jacketed hollow point. The bullet is covered by a metal jacket
but the point is hollowed out to aid in expansion

SJHP The bullet is partially jacketed. The remaining part is lead. It
is a hollow point

Open Carry Carrying and handgun where it can be seen by the public.

Concealed carry. Carrying a handgun out of the view of the public.

CCW Concealed carry weapon

CCP Concealed carry permit. A permit allowing someone to carry a
handgun in a concealed fasion.

HP Handgun permit. A permit allowing a person to carry a handgun
in a concealed or open manner

Reciprocity In this instance it refers to the recognition of another state
of our states carry permit

Dry fire Refers to cocking and pulling the trigger of a gun with no
bullet chambered. This is sometimes used as a practice

I have to go to work now. Help me out guys!

NICS National instant criminal background check system

Limp Wristing. The act of not locking your wrist when firing a handgun. This can result in
multiple type of failure, such as FTF or FTE

New York reload. Carrying a BUG or second gun
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Accidental discharge An unintended discharge of the firearms
resulting from a firearm malfunction

Negligent discharge An unintended dishcarge caused by carelessness

I don't believe in ADs. I do believe there are malfunctions, but I always label them a Equipment Failure Discharges. The use of AD is over used. Most people will say they had an AD when they really had an ND.
ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union
AF - alternative force; military: Air Force
AFAIK - as far as I know
Anti - an individual who opposes the RKBA for private citizens
ASA - Australian Shooting Association
BG - bad guy; big grin (as in or a smiley)
BOHICA - bend over here it comes again
BOR - Bill Of Rights
BTT - back to top
BTW - by the way
CCRKBA - Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
CAS - cowboy action shooting
CHL - concealed handgun license
CLDF - Civil Liberties Defense Foundation
COA - Citizens Of America
COD - cash on delivery
CONDITION RED - Under attack.
CONDITION ORANGE - Heightened awareness; alert to potential threats.
CONDITION YELLOW - Normal awareness of one’s environment.
CONDITION WHITE - Unawareness of one’s environment.
CPHV - Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (an enemy of the RKBA)
CQB - close quarters battle
CQC - close quarters combat
DAISNAID - do as I say, not as I do
DFTT - don't feed the troll
DVC - Diligentia Vis Celeritas - Latin for Accuracy, Power, Speed
FFL - federal firearms license
Flame - insults... mud slinging. Not permitted on TFL.
FOP - Fraternal Order of Police
FOUP - Firearm Owners Unification Project
FUBAR - fouled up beyond all recognition
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your info
GG - good guy
GI - government issue
GOA - Gun Owners of America
HCI - Handgun Control Incorporated (an enemy of the RKBA)
IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association
IINM - if I’m not mistaken
IIRC - if I remember correctly
ILA - Institute for Legislative Action (Div. of the NRA)
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation
IRL - in real life
IYDMMA - if you don’t mind me asking
JMO - just my opinion
JPFO - Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
KISS - keep it simple stupid
KYPD - keep your powder dry
LEO - law enforcement officer
LEAA - Law Enforcement Alliance of America
LEA - law enforcement agency
LFI - Lethal Force Institute
LMAO - laughing my butt off
LOL - laughing out loud
Member - registered TFL member with less than 15 posts
MMM - Million Mom March
Molon Labe - Click Here
NIB - New in Box
NOYB - none of your business
NRA - National Rifle Association
NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation
OF - old fart
OFIT - old fart in training
OMG - oh my gosh
OTOH - on the other hand
PTL&PTA - praise the lord and pass the ammunition
RKBA - right to keep and bear arms
ROTF - rolling on the floor
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO - rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
SAF - Second Amendment Foundation
SAS - Second Amendment Sisters
SASS - Single Action Shooting Society
SATF - Second Amendment Task Force
Senior Member - registered TFL member with 15 posts or more
SHOTShow - Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Travel Show
SHTF - crap hits the fan
Sic Semper Tyrannis - thus to tyrants forever
SNAFU - situation normal, all fouled up
SOP - standard operating procedure
SSAA - Sporting Shooters Association of Australia
SWAT - special weapons and tactics
TANSTAAFL = there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TEOTWAWKI - the end of the world as we know it
TFL - The Firing Line (Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web)
TIA - thanks in advance
TLA - three letter acronym
Troll - someone posting with the purpose of inflaming or starting an emotional
response... basically done by jerks with nothing better to do with their spare time.
TRT - Tyranny Response Team
TTHR - take the high road
TTW - taunting the wookie
URL - uniform resource locator
USPSA - United States Practical Shooting Association
WTSHTF - when the crap hits the fan
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
YMMV - your mileage may vary
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Nice Work!

Good job DrDavidM and Rabywk!

Very helpful! I did not see BUG which I use for Back Up Gun. Is that a
common acronym?

Best wishes all!
This is a GREAT idea. I will create a whole section for this on the site. Added to the TODO list!
FTF Failure To Feed
FTE Failure To Eject or Extract

MILF Mom I'd Like to Fu**
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Much thanks to Doc and rabywk. I asked for something of this nature back in December and am glad to see it. Gee, with all the items that have been included (not gun related) I'll be able to understand some of what the kids are saying when the text message! The big challenge for me has been types and models of some firearms brands: PSP, USP, M&P, etc. And of course, there are a number of ways to convey the concealed weapons permit, as the states don't have one common name for it. Thanks again and to the rest of you, please keep'em comin'.

Let's start a glossary for the newbies that will be attracted to this site. Luke can piece it together in an appropriate format (If he wants).

Four Rules

1. The gun is always loaded. Treat the gun as if it is loaded even if you
cleared the chamber
2. Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your ready to fire.
4. Be sure of your target and the surroundings of the target.

Conditions of firearm carry

Condition 0. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is off.
Condition 1. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is on.
Condition 2. The chamber is loaded and the hammer is down
Condition 3. The chamber is empty and the magazine is loaded
Condition 4. The chamber is empty, the hammer is down, no magazine

Accidental discharge An unintended discharge of the firearms
resulting from a firearm malfunction

Negligent discharge An unintended dishcarge caused by carelessness

SCOTUS The Sepreme Court of the United States

RKBA The right to keep and bear arms

FMJ Full metal jacket. The bullet is fully covered by a metal jacket

JHP Jacketed hollow point. The bullet is covered by a metal jacket
but the point is hollowed out to aid in expansion

SJHP The bullet is partially jacketed. The remaining part is lead. It
is a hollow point

Open Carry Carrying and handgun where it can be seen by the public.

Concealed carry. Carrying a handgun out of the view of the public.

CCW Concealed carry weapon

CCP Concealed carry permit. A permit allowing someone to carry a
handgun in a concealed fasion.

HP Handgun permit. A permit allowing a person to carry a handgun
in a concealed or open manner

Reciprocity In this instance it refers to the recognition of another state
of our states carry permit

Dry fire Refers to cocking and pulling the trigger of a gun with no
bullet chambered. This is sometimes used as a practice

I have to go to work now. Help me out guys!

NICS National instant criminal background check system

Limp Wristing. The act of not locking your wrist when firing a handgun. This can result in
multiple type of failure, such as FTF or FTE

New York reload. Carrying a BUG or second gun

Conditions of firearm carry

Condition 0. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is off.
Condition 1. The chamber is loaded, the gun is cocked, and the safety
is on.
Condition 2. The chamber is loaded and the hammer is down
Condition 3. The chamber is empty and the magazine is loaded
Condition 4. The chamber is empty, the hammer is down, no magazine

I think this is a great idea. I have one question. As far as the conditions of carry, that normally is refered to when talking about a single action auto like the 1911 or Highpower. Regarding Dbl actions and Dbl actions only it is not usually relevant. Probably most on this site may not need this clarafaction but some new to shooting might. Just a thought.
I don't believe in ADs. I do believe there are malfunctions, but I always label them a Equipment Failure Discharges. The use of AD is over used. Most people will say they had an AD when they really had an ND.

As for ADs and NDs, maybe they should all just be put into the category of UDs (unintentional discharges). Regardless of whether the discharge was accidental or negligent, all of them tend to be unintentional.

BTW, I think that another term that should be added to the gun term glossary is Israeli Carry. I myself still am not completely clear on what exactly that is.
Here is a short lisr of ammo head stamps.

AO Allegany Ordnance Plant

BN St. Louis Ordnance Plant, St. Louis, MO

CN Lake City Ordnance Plant, Independence, MO

DAL Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ontario, Canada - Under contract to US during WW1

DAQ Dominion Arsenal, Canada - Under contract to US (usually .50BMG)

DEN Denver Ordnance Plant, Denver,CO

DM Des Moines Ordnance Plant, Des Moines, 10

EC Evansville Ordnance Plant, Evansville, Indiana

EC S Evansville Ordnance Plant - Sunbeam Electric, Evansville, Indiana (See EC)

EW Eau Claire Ordnance Plant, Eau Claire, Wisc

FA (the classic) Frankford Arsenal, Philidelphia, PA

FC Federal Cartridge Co.

FCC Federal Cartridge Co.

KS Allegany Ordnance Plant, operated by Kellystone Tire Co., Cumberland, Maryland

LC Lake City Ordnance Plant, Independence, MO

LM Lowell Ordnance Plant, Mass.

M Milwaukee Ordnance Plant, Wisconsin

NC National Brass & Copper Tube Co., Hastings, NY

PC Peters Cartridge Co., Ohio

PCC Peters Cartridge Co., Ohio

PC 1940 Peters Cartridge Co., Ohio for British Contract

RA Remington Arms Company, Bridgeport, Conn

RA H Remington Arms Company, Hoboken, New Jersey

REM Remington Arms Company, Bridgeport, Conn

SL St. Louis Ordnance Plant, St. Louis, MO

TW Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, Minneapolis, Minn

UT Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City, UT

U Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City, UT

W Western Cartridge Company, East Alton, Ill.

VC Verdun Arsenal, Canada - Under contract to US

WC Western Cartridge Company, East Alton, Ill.

WCC Western Cartridge Company, East Alton, Ill.

WRA Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn

WSL 30 Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn (.30 carbine)
I've seen folks use the term "Mexican Carry". If I understand correctly, it's carrying the firearm in the waistband without a holster. Is this correct?

Man, I must have missed it because I find it hard to believe that this one wasn't mentioned.

COM - Center of Mass, pertaining to the area of the target represented by the main/central area of a torso.

Good job all....