a buddy of mine has 3 XD's, 9mm and .40cal service models (4 inch) and a .45acp tactical (5 inch)... i shot them and loved them all... but i bought a glock 30SF when my time came... fit my hand a lot better, smaller footprint for me (i'm a tall and lanky guy so it made a huge difference), and it's point and shoot... i feel i need all the advantages in a gunfight, so i carry it much more often than my 1911... plus the glock's simple look was sexy to me, the xd had to many lines and cuts in it... the glock looked like a business gun, the xd like a prom queen... having said that my buddy has shot xd's well over 25,000 rounds combined and only 1 F2F problem plagued his 9mm, very decent track record...
all up to the person who is pulling the trigger, try and buy, that's my motto...
all up to the person who is pulling the trigger, try and buy, that's my motto...