Glock vs XD


New member
A co-worker of mine has been looking at Glock pistols,he has shot one that belongs to a friend and had decided on a model 30 (45acp). A local gun dealer told him to look at the Springfield XD said it was basicaly a "tricked out Gock" I have pretty much zero knowlege of either gun so I thought I would see if anyone else could offer any advice. All I could tell him was to handle each gun to see how it feels I cant imagine springfield or Glock building a bad gun. I think the cheaper price and olive drab color(Glock aparenly does not ofer in 45) have sold him on the XD. I have sent him to "davidsons" gallery of guns online because of their lifetime warrenty. But they do not have the glock in stock.
It's your basic "Ford vs. Chevy" argument. I personally like the Glock due to the reputation, reliability and the wide use by law enforcment agencies. Some might argue "low bid", but you don't hear of any failures of the Glock despite the "low" price.

With that said, I've shot both side by side and still prefer the Glock. Don't like the excessive "safety features" on the XD. My recommendation would be to have your friend shoot both guns and decide which one fits him best. Don't be like the great majority of gun owners and decide after you've purchased the gun that you don't like it.

You gave your friend good advice. He should handle both, and if possible he should go to a range where he could shoot both. And remember...opinions are like belly buttons.....everybody has one!
One word sums it up >>>>>>>>>>>> "GLOCK" I have owned an XD and though a good gun, the Glock rocks for me..........( thats just me though, its up to the person to choose which is right for them )
I look at the after market parts and assesories .Glock has a large amount of them.
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Glock's seem to be a "love it or hate it" kind of thing. For some reason, they just don't appeal to me. In all fairness, I've never fired one and believe they are reliable. I just really dig the XD. I have the XD40 service model and it's been flawless. I do agree that the grip safety is unnecessary, but I haven't had any problems with it. Try both and see if one or the other works for your co-worker.
I have not tried the Springfield but I have a Glock and carry it often as a back up to my HK. I have never had a problem with it. What I like about both is the KISS principle. I like nothing to think about in a stress situation but to pull the trigger and the less to go wrong the better. That is by the way why I much prefer a Dbl action to the older single action autos.
Wishing I had both!

Got a 4 y/o [bought new] Springfield XD-9, their smallest model. Got it just for CC use. I wished I had waited for the XDM's to come out, but it's small size, light weight and ease of use are plusses for me and hassles for others. With the right 117g COR©BON ammo it suits my CC 'knock-down' needs out to 30 meters tops, at 50 meters I doubt it would stop much with 1 shot even for a 9mm JHP 10+1 set-up. Won't even pass thru 1/2" plywood at 50 meters, just imbeds into it! It's a CQC weapon in that size. With no real external flip or button safeties, just a thumb-web pressure bar linked to 3 triggers that have to be used together to make it discharge or nothing fires, it does take some getting used to that configuration. I bought it because that was 1 less safety to worry about. Just pull, point then shoot. BUT drop a loaded XD and expect it to discharge 50% of the time which is a draw-back the FFL dealer never bothered to tell me about, I found out by accident! The Glock is indeed a very nice built weapon, almost sexy in it's contours and shape. I have yet to meet a Glock owner who would trade his/hers in for any other model. If Glock could give me the true sub-compact easy to stash 'n carry unseen benefits that the XD-9 does, I may invest. At almost twice the price of the XD I better be paying for the world's best hand-gun!
Treading VERY carefully here as Glock probably does make a true sub-compact. I have only shot a .45 cal Glock which had much less kick than the M1911 series, so for a reliable pistol down the road I'd say go with a larger Glock for range fire, and winter clothing CC holster carry, but I would love to see a sub-compact 9mm Glock 5" long, as light as an XD-9 that I could take anywhere any season (jeans 'n a T) legal with little chance it would be spotted. Post away if you know what I am talking about. Unlike the Springfield owning a Glock is a statement of sorts backed up by (IMHO) better machining, what Glock owners claim are almost no mis-fires, jambs or F2F probs, which the XD has plenty of if U don't keep it very clean 'n oiled, like a full field-strip every 500 rounds, or it will freeze-up, especially if your ammo is cheap or reloads. A Glock schematic DOES show better internal workings, smoother round-chambering, better slides/spring and higher quality parts from pistol grips to sights to ejection systems than you will find in any XD. Maybe Springfield corrected those in the XDM? Any Glock with a Crimson-Trace laser sight on it would be one sweet shooter!
I hope that has not upset either camps :ranting2:

Canis-Lupus :whatever:
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In my opinion I prefer the XD simply because it seems to fit my short fat fingers better than a Glock. To really start a war if I were going to get a .45 I would get a 1911. Glocks and XD's are for 9MM and .40.

My next gun is going to be Dan Wesson Bobtail Commander.
I have the XD9sc and the XD45 Comp. Both shoot really well and I'm very happy with both. When I got my XD 9 I was actually in the GS to buy a Glock 26 for CC. The dealer asked if I'd seen the XD series--which I hadn't (this was about 3-4 years ago). When I picked it up it felt better in my hands and pointed better than the Glock for me. At this point I've never shot a Glock. Nothing against them and someday I may get one but I really like my XD's.
I am very fond of my XD. I am not a huge Glock fan. However, I will not argue they are reliable guns. You did good. He needs to look at them and see which he likes best.
Well it seems the discussion is moot now, but I will add my 2 cents in case other people read this and are trying to decide. I have an XD45 at the moment. I will soon be trading it in for a Glock (haven't decided what model).

After shooting a friend's Glock 21, I have to say that the Glock just shoots so much better, at least in my hands. But what is good for me may not be as good for others. Someone has mentioned it already, but I highly encourage anyone to shoot before they buy. You don't buy a car without driving it first right? Same thing applies here. :)
+1 You should shoot the type of gun you want to buy BEFORE you buy it. Find a friend if you must, or check out an organized event where you're able to do so. I've lost count of the many friends, students, acquaintances, etc that purchased a gun because it was a "good deal", but later ended up selling the gun because they didn't like the way it shot. :) Many times it is "shooter error", but hey, who am I to argue, I'm just the firearms instructor ;)

Glad you've found a gun that you like. My Glock pistols take a lot of abuse and still function like they did out of the box. The other guns OTOH need a lot more maintenance and TLC. :)

In my opinion I prefer the XD simply because it seems to fit my short fat fingers better than a Glock. To really start a war if I were going to get a .45 I would get a 1911. Glocks and XD's are for 9MM and .40.

My next gun is going to be Dan Wesson Bobtail Commander.

+1 on that one, 1911's areThe American design and the 45 is an all American caliber,NATO should conform to the U.S.A :crazy_pilot:
Like Brad said... may be a little late, but

I've shot both and actually like them both. I owned a G17 (9mm) - and this was actually my very first personally owned handgun when I was just a young paratrooper back at Bragg. My duty sidearm was a 1911A1 (dating myself with THAT one, as an M-60 gunner), so I loved the light, tight Glock 17 and ALL THOSE rounds in each mag! I STILL love that!

I still like Glocks simply because they are 'bullet proof' when it comes to reliabilty and ease of owning/maintaining. It helps that every one and their cat sells all manner of after-market goodies for every Glock under the sun too... that's a huge plus. Glocks are relatively inexpensive, but they're not "cheap."

But the XD line, though made in Croatia as Springfield simply bought the make/model from them and put their Armory stamp on it, has a lot of "pros" about them as well. For instance, I really like the loaded chamber indicator at the rear of the slide. I think that's such a simple, cool and effective device that's basically idiot-proof. I also like the ergonomics of the XD line. They really DO point well... and the lines from forearm to wrist to presented pistol just flow naturally, which makes shooting the XD quite pleasant. I like 'em. I've found the XD's I've fired, as my girlfriend owns the XD40SC, to be a little tempermental about which ammo is eats - and has hung up several times on certain reloads that the Sig and Glock consume without missing a bit. This is always a concern. I don't generally tolerate tempermental in a handgun.

The Glock (or shoebox) slide is so seemingly flat and wide, that quick and accurate sight alignment is almost a "given" - and the XD isn't far behind in that feature. As far as accuracy or shootability, I can't say from my personal experience there's much difference. Similar caliber fired from similar barrel length and similar ammo - similar results. No big surprise.

All in all, if I were having to buy just one or the other, I'd lean toward Glock ONLY because they're battle-tank tough and have tons of hoster, add-on and aftermarket options readily available. That's not to say Glock is "better" - just my opinion and why.
It is really funny. Glock Fan says he did not like the excessive safety features of the Sprinfield. I spoke to an NRA recruiter at Sportsman's Warehouse in Lacey, WA, and he said he did not like the XD because it did not have a frame mounted safety like the 1911. One man's meat, eh? I had a Glock several years ago, and I really did not care for it. I seem to have noticed latelytht Glock is now making their magazines of stainless, like the SA XD. My Glock had plastic magazines, and you could not just drop them for a tactical reload. My lieutenant explained that Europeans did not like to just drop the magazine, but they wanted the magazine to pop out about a haf inch, then they pull it out and rerplace it with a new one. I was trained to drop the magazine and police it later, and have the new magazine going in as soon as the well was clear. Springfield makes pistols in many diffferent color schemes, for lack of a better word. I saw the Olive Drab, and all black. Mine has the black polymer frame and a brushed stainless slide. The XD has a grip safety that is easier to lock down than a 1911's, and a Glock-type trigger safety, the loaded chamber indicator is tactile as well as visual, as is the striker indicator. Doesn't sound like too many safeties to me, for sure. I read an article where a writer put an XD through the same torture test Glock uses on their pistols. He bought his XD off the shelf to be sure he didn't get a hand-built custonm gun. He put 10,000 rounds through the gun, using the identical tests used by Glock. he did not have one F2F or any other malfunction, even after breaking the cocked striker indicator. That was part of what made the decision for me. Another was price. Tthe Glock .45 ACPs I saw were well over $600, and my XD-45, with another spare magazine, and the surcharge for our Governor's make-up and hair spray was only $563.83. T the Glock is a fine weapon, but I just feel much better with the XD. I liked the 1911, but eight rounds has to bow to fourteen, and I don't have to remember to sweep off a frame-mounted safety or worry about a hammer or thumb safety or slide release catching on clothing as I had happen more than once with the 1911.
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I read an article where a writer put an XD through the same torture test Glock uses on their pistols. He bought his XD off the shelf to be sure he didn't get a hand-built custonm gun. He put 10,000 rounds through the gun, using the identical tests used by Glock. he did not have one F2F or any other malfunction, even after breaking the cocked striker indicator.

Not to split hairs, but unless that article was in an UNbiased publication (i.e. Shotgun News or some other OBJECTIVE publication) that it's hard to put much faith in their "finding." Those self-important "experts" are paid, and their publications are paid by the very gun manufacturer's their "experts" review... which might explain why you rarely-to-never read a negative report about any new gun or model hitting the market. Quite frankly, the negative report - how ever true and factual - wouldn't make print, because the publication would offend their paying sponsor.

Glock v. XD, Ford v. Chevy, Cardinals v. Steelers... no wait.. THAT one will be settled on the field of play today!

Obama picked the Steelers.... GO CARDINALS!!!
It's your basic "Ford vs. Chevy" argument. I personally like the Glock due to the reputation, reliability and the wide use by law enforcment agencies. Some might argue "low bid", but you don't hear of any failures of the Glock despite the "low" price.

With that said, I've shot both side by side and still prefer the Glock. Don't like the excessive "safety features" on the XD. My recommendation would be to have your friend shoot both guns and decide which one fits him best. Don't be like the great majority of gun owners and decide after you've purchased the gun that you don't like it.


What he said! Couldn't have said it any better.
My final decision was down to the XD45 and the Glock 30. Both were very nice guns. I was leaning slightly toward to XD because it had a stainless slide and I like stainless guns, but then I shot both. They both shot fine with great accuracy but the Glock felt better. They are both great guns, but like everyone else is saying, it really comes down to personal preference. See if you can get some range time with both. The range I frequent had the Glock 30 and XD45 in the rental fleet.

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