Anyone else hear about this? I don't own a glock.....don't like they grip on them , but know that many of you guys love em
I don't know if this recall is just for pistol used by leo's or what but thought i would share it. Wouldn't want someone to be walking around withanything less than a pistol thats 110% ready to go.The local news said that a police department in the area had to replace all of their Glocks because of a broken spring.??? looked more like the support on the back of the frame in the video. Was interesting that they found 11 out of almost 300 guns with the problem and those 11 still worked fine. Guess that says something for Glocks huh? But i would think any quality polemer framed handgun would still function given the same problem. Anyway if someone hears anything more could you please let the rest of us know. Thanks. By the way i don't know if this link will work or not....never been very com puter savvy. If it doesn't and someone could fix it for my then thanks in advance. Link Removed