Glock recall


New member
Anyone else hear about this? I don't own a glock.....don't like they grip on them , but know that many of you guys love em :rolleyes: I don't know if this recall is just for pistol used by leo's or what but thought i would share it. Wouldn't want someone to be walking around withanything less than a pistol thats 110% ready to go.The local news said that a police department in the area had to replace all of their Glocks because of a broken spring.??? looked more like the support on the back of the frame in the video. Was interesting that they found 11 out of almost 300 guns with the problem and those 11 still worked fine. Guess that says something for Glocks huh? But i would think any quality polemer framed handgun would still function given the same problem. Anyway if someone hears anything more could you please let the rest of us know. Thanks. By the way i don't know if this link will work or not....never been very com puter savvy. If it doesn't and someone could fix it for my then thanks in advance. Link Removed
d-buck, I have called a couple of gun shops here in New Jersey and neither heard anything about this. How old is this story because you would think even if it was a remote situation gun shops would have heard something. I am curious have you heard anything besides that local LEO news story. I will call Glock on Monday because I have a G-19 and am curious. Thanks
Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you but work has been crazy. Anyway the story aired on the news on the 10th so its as current as you can get when i posted it. I haven't heard anything else about it. i was at a gun store on Friday and was going to mention it but the only guy that would have know was the owner and he was busy. Might want to check on some of the Glock forums and see what turns up. And like i said I don't know if this is something related to only leo issued guns or not. Don't know if leo's get issued different gun that us lowly regular folks??????? Wouldn't think so but hey stranger things have happened.
I watched the video and found two things interesting. First, while the reporter said it was a spring that malfunctioned, but it appeared that the officer pointed to the frame rails at the rear of the pistol. Second, it would appear that the agency got new Glocks to replace the old ones. Sounds as if they are happy with Glocks despite the problem found with their old guns. I'm sure it had something to do with the way Glock handled it, which probably meant a pretty sweet deal. I still think it sounds as if they have a lot of faith in Glock.
I watched the video and found two things interesting. First, while the reporter said it was a spring that malfunctioned, but it appeared that the officer pointed to the frame rails at the rear of the pistol. Second, it would appear that the agency got new Glocks to replace the old ones. Sounds as if they are happy with Glocks despite the problem found with their old guns. I'm sure it had something to do with the way Glock handled it, which probably meant a pretty sweet deal. I still think it sounds as if they have a lot of faith in Glock.

Does it surprise you that the media has no clue what they are talking about when it comes to firearms? Secondly what I find strange is that Glock has no recollection of this matter. I called Glock yesterday and they had no clue what I was talking about. I sent them the news clip and they told they would investigate and get back to me. Is this a remote issue? Was this something that shouldn't gone past the LEO department? Are they playing dumb for a reason so they can setup damage control? Who knows, this is strange you would think Glock should know someting.

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