I can't argue with anything Glock. I love the 1911's and always have. I was raised around those guns. When I became a LEO, everyone was still using revolvers and an occassional S&W 39 or a 1911 like my Dad and Grandpa. A Browning Hi-Power if you really wanted to be exotic. Eventually the switch came to semi-autos.
As a Firearms Instructor, I got additional training at a Glock School for Instructors and the Armorers course. They had a throw the Glock contest to see who could throw the pistol across a concrete parking lot the fartherist. We shot it after everyone threw it twice. I won the Top Gun spot in the class and got to keep the thrown Glock, a Glock Knife and an Entrenching tool. I still have the "Thrown Glock 17" in my safe and it still shoots like a champ. It ain't pretty though. We put the Glock 17 through the most harsh 2 weeks of shooting I ever did in my life. It made a believer out of me. I carried the Glock 17 (and 19 off duty) for a few years until the G21 came out. I bought one, because I liked the 45 on the street.
Later I went through alot of SWAT and Tactical Shooting schools that focused on headshots and double taps, and the 1911 again became the "in thing" among Tactical guys. I started carrying the 1911 on the street again and did for several more years until I was Injured and retired. To this day, the 1911 is still my gun, but I occassionally drag out a G21, 30, 17 or 19 when traveling far away from home on a road trip. Just for the benefit of capacity and several hi-cap mags if nothing else. (I'm starting a thread on this tonight in Outdoors /Survival related)
I have two G26's and one of them gets carried in the pocket every so often, during hot weather. I carry the 26 in a Kramer Pocket Holster. That and an extra mag in a pocket mag pouch is a comforting thing. I love my 1911's, but if I was ever dropped off in the middle of nowhere and could only have one gun, it would definitely be a Glock. Nuff said!