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I wear perscription glasses 24/7. I basically can't see the end of my arm with out them on. They have plastic lenses and I'm not really worried about them breaking. I am a little concerned that they might get scratched or damaged in some way. They did cost a nice piece of change. I started shooting in December of last year and go to the range about once a week. I was wondering if I need to invest in some kind of perscription shooter's glasses or something to wear over my regular glasses to protect them?

Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

I wore glasses for many years (laser surgery worked great).

Usually I had more money in the frames and the checkup then in the lenses themselves.

I don't see how the frames could get damaged except by the hearing protection strap (depending on style).

Lenses might get scratched / melted if a hot case ejected onto them.

Just make sure you clean them properly after shooting. Wash the residue off with lens cleaning solution and don't "grind it in" by wiping while dry or with paper towel product.

Depending on the style of frames you use you might find some "safety glasses" big enough to wear over them.

Worst case is you get the full size "goggles" that look like a scuba mask and are used in high school chemistry class.
I'm pretty nearsighted, but I've found that contact lenses have worked pretty well and then I can use off the rack Silencio wraparound shooting glasses. Gun shows often have merchants selling shooting glasses that can comfortably fit over prescription glasses. I have one pair that I've been carrying around in the car for at least 15 years.
There are lots of prescription shooting glasses available, just google "prescription safety glasses". Start at about $60 and up.
No you don't need special shooting glasses. I have been shooting for years using my glasses and no they will not get scrached or melt from a hot shell casing unless it from a battle ship with a 16 inch gun. Just go to the range and enjoy. wear your glasses and hearing stuff.

No you don't need special shooting glasses. I have been shooting for years using my glasses and no they will not get scrached or melt from a hot shell casing unless it from a battle ship with a 16 inch gun. Just go to the range and enjoy. wear your glasses and hearing stuff.

Thanks Doc that is just what I wanted to hear.

You are CCing.
You get into a confrontation.
The first thing that happens is your glasses get knocked off.
Can't see a damn thing.
What do I do now?
What would you do in a rain storm of if they got fogged?
Pratice with out your seeing glasses!
Use shooting glasses and learn to "feel" your sight alignment.
This isn't NRA, bullseye shooting, is it now.
I had cataracts, and fired for my security "G" ticket, 5 years in a row, with a range gun, each time.
Mdl 10, S&W.
Never missed more than one in the 9 ring. (150 rounds fired each time)
I, too, wear glasses and need perscription lenses in order to shoot properly. I also wear contacts. Whether I'm wearing glasses or contacts, I ALWAYS wear protective, wrap-around shooting glasses. I don't trust my perscription glasses to stop hot metal projectiles hurling at my eyes during a possible mishap.

Better to be safe than sorry (or blind!).:smile:
I have been a victim of too many birthdays and went from 20/15 vision in my 40's to wearing progressive lenses in my 50's. Found a great pair of safety, prescription, progressives that sight in on the front sight better than my regular glases. I bought them at If you have your prescription and get someone to measure the distance from the middle of one eyeball to the middle of the other in mm. you can get a decent pair that should work and provide you safety. Mine cost about $100. They are large teardrop type but the site has a number of styles. I shoot indoors almost exclusively so I have clear lenses. They also come in tinted colors as well.

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