Girl, Man Shot At High School In LA County


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Another sterling example of how effective gun free states and gun free zone are at reducing violance.

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Girl, Man Shot At High School In LA County
Both In Critical Condition

POSTED: 8:42 pm CDT September 19, 2008
UPDATED: 9:44 pm CDT September 19, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- Authorities said two young people have been shot and wounded at a high school campus in south Los Angeles County.

Sept. 19, 2008: Authorities Respond To School Shooting

Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesman James Barnes said a 12-year-old girl and an 18-year-old man were both shot multiple times Friday evening at Washington Preparatory High School in the unincorporated Athens area.

Barnes said the two have been taken to a hospital and are in critical condition.

Los Angeles Unified School District spokeswoman Susan Cox said the shooting occurred at 5:50 p.m. in a parking lot outside the gymnasium at the end of a football game.

She said the male victim was a student at the school last year.

Cox said one person was seen running east from the campus. No arrests have been made.
so 2 people were shot.. the bad guy got away. and no one was able to legally make it a fair fight? I mean yes 12 years old and 18 years old is not old enough to have a permit anyway. but I am sure there were people there that were of age. and both were shot several times? would have been some time for reaction then if some one was able to shoot back. not saying everyone needs to try to be a hero.. but if everybody does nothing....
so 2 people were shot.. the bad guy got away. and no one was able to legally make it a fair fight? I mean yes 12 years old and 18 years old is not old enough to have a permit anyway. but I am sure there were people there that were of age. and both were shot several times? would have been some time for reaction then if some one was able to shoot back. not saying everyone needs to try to be a hero.. but if everybody does nothing....

Or lives in California....
Cant carry at a school anyway right?? Nobody is going to have the chance to fire back. The CC laws really need to be expanded to alot more areas. Almost only alowed to carry while cutting your grass on the riding lawn mower, but you would look cool packin' a nine in the front yard.
and that's who has guns and carries them in CA.. gangs.. anyone else see a problem with this??.. so glad I don't live there.

I see a huge problem with this.

"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" ~ I use that all the time to try and show people who oppose the 2A that guns are NOT the issue here. It’s the BGs that are the issue.

If people were around whom had weapons and could give a fair fight, this either could have been prevented, or the BGs would not have gotten away. I feel very bad for these two victims, and I hope these BGs get what they deserve!
I see a huge problem with this.

"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" ~ I use that all the time to try and show people who oppose the 2A that guns are NOT the issue here. It’s the BGs that are the issue.

If people were around whom had weapons and could give a fair fight, this either could have been prevented, or the BGs would not have gotten away. I feel very bad for these two victims, and I hope these BGs get what they deserve!

"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"

I know it and you know it and as I have said before the fact of the matter is those that would see an unarmed America know it also. They are not that dumb. So the answer we are left with is they need an unarmed America to enslave us. I am afraid many do not want to believe that but it is true. Our founding Fathers knew that and that is why they added the 2nd Amendment.
Obviously a distortion of facts to make California look bad. California is a progressive forward thinking absolutely safe state that for all practical purposes has eliminated all evil guns so this kind of thing could not possibly have happened in California.
Obviously a distortion of facts to make California look bad. California is a progressive forward thinking absolutely safe state that for all practical purposes has eliminated all evil guns so this kind of thing could not possibly have happened in California.

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