Giant Food Stores


New member
I recently went to my local Giant Food Store, OC'ing. Unlike the last time I was there, there was a sign placed informing customers that unless they were not law enforcement officers, they were prohibited from carrying any weapons in the store.

Apparently, a few weeks ago, another OC'er was in the Pottstown, PA store, doing the usual grocery shopping, and was told by the manager to leave. Now all stores do not allow weapons - OC or CC.

I know this is a private property issue, not a rights issue. I would just like to hear some of your comments on this.
In my neck of the woods there is a "Food Giant", not sure if they are affiliated in anyway with "Giant Food Stores"... haven't noticed any signs. I would take my business elsewhere if there were.
In TEXAS, in order to provide notice that entry on property by a license holder with a concealed handgun is forbidden, Link Removed(c)(3)(A) requires that a written communication contain exact and specific language.

Penal Code Section 30.06(c)(3)(B) further states that a sign must meet the following requirements:

i. includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;
ii. appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and
iii. is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

So, in TEXAS, unless a store posts a 30.06 sign that follows those specific requirements—a Texas CHL holder can simply ignore any other sign attempting to prohibit the lawful carry of a concealed hadgun.
My response would be that as long as they don't have metal detectors at the entrance, and it's not against the law to carry there, and your state doesn't give signs the force of law in places that are otherwise legal, then carry concealed. How are they gonna know if they don't enforce their policy?
Ohio CCW

We have a club here in Ohio called " Ohioans For Concealed Carry". Our members routinely pass out cards to businesses who place a sign in their window banning carry in their store. The card reminds them that we ae law abiding citizens, trained in legal carry and if they do not wish to abide by our state law and our CHL then we will take our business elsewhere.For more information please contact them at Ohioans For Concealed Carry - The Premier Gun Rights Organization in Ohio Since 1999 - Home.
I know this is a private property issue, not a rights issue. I would just like to hear some of your comments on this.

My comment is I always CCW and never OC. I totally understand how Grandma would be upset with some guy with a gun strapped to his hip, and I don't blame the retailer just trying to stay in business with O screwing up the economy.

Fortunately my state allows me wide latitude in where I can CCW, so I don't alarm anyone and I am protected almost all the time. I also carry to protect myself and my loved ones, and not to make a statement. I make no apologies for that either.
I can CCW, so I don't alarm anyone and I am protected almost all the time. I also carry to protect myself and my loved ones, and not to make a statement. I make no apologies for that either.[/QUOTE]

+1 This is precisely why I choose to CC. Well stated Stiofan!
My comment is I always CCW and never OC. I totally understand how Grandma would be upset with some guy with a gun strapped to his hip, and I don't blame the retailer just trying to stay in business with O screwing up the economy.

That's your decision to CC where legally allowed. However, I have to dispute your "Grandma" analogy. Grandma probably sees police officers carry weapons all the time. A citizen who is legally OC'ing is just as safe (probably more so -- you have a better chance of accidentally being shot by a cop).

That, and if Grandma is upset at someone with a gun on his hip, she might also be upset at someone with green hair, a loud motorcycle, rap music, etc., and yet we can all enjoy these things.

I choose to OC most of the time to both protect myself AND to make the statement that there is no reason to fear a gun -- just the person who is using it in an evil manner.
My response would be that as long as they don't have metal detectors at the entrance, and it's not against the law to carry there, and your state doesn't give signs the force of law in places that are otherwise legal, then carry concealed. How are they gonna know if they don't enforce their

I've decided to just not give them any more business until they change their policy. I just wanted to know what others thought of the whole situation. There is absolutely no way I would do business with a company that is willing to restrict me in such a manner.

utimmer43: Yes, it's the orange/black letter Giant stores.

A letter to their corporate office was mailed on Friday, and I'm waiting for a response to confirm that this is corporate policy.
utimmer43: Yes, it's the orange/black letter Giant stores.

A letter to their corporate office was mailed on Friday, and I'm waiting for a response to confirm that this is corporate policy.
Please do keep us informed. There is a Giant in my area, as well as a couple in the area where most of my family lives. Pending the response you get, I would also be sending a letter proclaiming that their policy has lost them another customer.
My comment is I always CCW and never OC. I totally understand how Grandma would be upset with some guy with a gun strapped to his hip, and I don't blame the retailer just trying to stay in business with O screwing up the economy.

Fortunately my state allows me wide latitude in where I can CCW, so I don't alarm anyone and I am protected almost all the time. I also carry to protect myself and my loved ones, and not to make a statement. I make no apologies for that either.

Normally, it isn't grandma and grandpa who has the problem with firearms. I have consistently met more older folks who are pro-2A and more younger folks who are anti-2A!! This is why we need more firearms education and less BS action movies!!!
Normally, it isn't grandma and grandpa who has the problem with firearms. I have consistently met more older folks who are pro-2A and more younger folks who are anti-2A!! This is why we need more firearms education and less BS action movies!!!

Good point. I've only been "questioned" by citizens three times regarding my OC'ing. All three were young (less than 30 years old). Older people have seen me carry and don't even give me a second look. I guess they kind of figure that if I haven't pulled it out of the holster yet and opened fire, I'm not going to.
1. I would confirm this is company policy.

2. I would let them know it cost them my business.

3. If I absolutely had to use it and PA doesn't regard it as breaking the law where signs are posted, I would CC if I desperately needed something from there and could not get to another place with a reasonable amount of effort.

4. I would let my friends know how great their competition was.

That about does it for my reaction.
That's your decision to CC where legally allowed. However, I have to dispute your "Grandma" analogy. Grandma probably sees police officers carry weapons all the time. A citizen who is legally OC'ing is just as safe (probably more so -- you have a better chance of accidentally being shot by a cop).

That, and if Grandma is upset at someone with a gun on his hip, she might also be upset at someone with green hair, a loud motorcycle, rap music, etc., and yet we can all enjoy these things.

I choose to OC most of the time to both protect myself AND to make the statement that there is no reason to fear a gun -- just the person who is using it in an evil manner.

More and more I gotta agree with this sentiment. A right not exercised will be a right lost, IMHO.

A gun is a tool, made for a purpose, nothing more, nothing less.

Furthermore, it is a constitutional right to KBA, just like all the other rights that Grandma would defend.

If people aren't comfortable with the exercise of constitutional rights, should we worry about that? Are we afraid they're gonna take that right away? Well, hell, they're already trying to do that...

Just so ya know, I have only recently started open carrying; have CCed for years. But I'm being persuaded that maybe this all NEEDS to be out in the open. Maybe concealing is serving to bolster the argument that guns are "bad" and need to be hidden from view. FWIW.
I recently went to my local Giant Food Store, OC'ing. Unlike the last time I was there, there was a sign placed informing customers that unless they were not law enforcement officers, they were prohibited from carrying any weapons in the store.

Is that what the sign says?

So if they are LEO, then they are prohibited?

Thus if you are not LEO, there is no prohibition.
If I have the legal backing of my state, I will OC or CC depening on my situation. If OC I may have the opportunity to teach either way I have a Glock somewhere on my body!:no:
Funny, it's not considered a private property issue when a Christian couple who run a Bed & Breakfast want to refuse a room to a gay couple. Seems to me a corporation should no more be able to abridge your rights than the government can.

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