Getting a CCW Non-Resident Permit


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I posted this exact same thing on, but I figured I should get all the information I could, and you guys here seem really knowledgeable.

How exactly would I go about getting a non-resident permit from Indiana? I live in Utah where we reciprocate (both states honor one another's permits) Indiana. I would get a Utah permit, but age is playing into it. I'm not 21, but I would like to carry and I really like your states laws. I would rather not have to go out there to take a class and fill out all the paperwork and whatnot, but I will do whatever needs to be done. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get one?
I posted this exact same thing on, but I figured I should get all the information I could, and you guys here seem really knowledgeable.

How exactly would I go about getting a non-resident permit from Indiana? I live in Utah where we reciprocate (both states honor one another's permits) Indiana. I would get a Utah permit, but age is playing into it. I'm not 21, but I would like to carry and I really like your states laws. I would rather not have to go out there to take a class and fill out all the paperwork and whatnot, but I will do whatever needs to be done. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get one?

Indiana doesn't issue permits to non-residents. :no:
Actually, they do.

IC 35-47-2-3
Application for license to carry handgun; procedure
Sec. 3. (a) A person desiring a license to carry a handgun shall apply:
(1) to the chief of police or corresponding law enforcement officer of the municipality in which the applicant resides;
(2) if that municipality has no such officer, or if the applicant does not reside in a municipality, to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant resides after the applicant has obtained an application form prescribed by the superintendent; or
(3) if the applicant is a resident of another state and has a regular place of business or employment in Indiana, to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant has a regular place of business or employment.

What sucks is that I don't work there! :P Oh well. Thanks guys!
Also, they don't issue "CCW" or "permits" there, only Licences (LTCH, Licence To Carry Handgun) :pleasantry:

(I was schooled on this too, it's an important distinction to hoosiers for some reason :) )
I posted this exact same thing on, but I figured I should get all the information I could, and you guys here seem really knowledgeable.

How exactly would I go about getting a non-resident permit from Indiana? I live in Utah where we reciprocate (both states honor one another's permits) Indiana. I would get a Utah permit, but age is playing into it. I'm not 21, but I would like to carry and I really like your states laws. I would rather not have to go out there to take a class and fill out all the paperwork and whatnot, but I will do whatever needs to be done. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get one?

Do what I did, get a Maine non-resident permit. It costs $60 and all you have to do is some type of handgun training course. Indiana accepts all states permits as does Utah. If Utah has no law against residents using permits from other states then your Maine permit would be good in Utah. I'm also getting a North Dakota non-resident permit but you'd have to go to ND to do the testing so your best bet would be Maine.

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