Georgia 16-11-130


New member
As I am sure most of you know this section is for Exemptions from Code Sections 16-11-126 through 16-11-128
which cover everything from conceal carrying with out a license to carrying at a public gathering, im not going to list all of them, My question is about paragraph (4) inpaticular and the way i have read 16-11-130 is that if you are serving in the military (for the state or US) then you are exempt from the requirement to have a GFL or the restrictions on where you can carry this. I do have my GFL, weather or not i need it. If it is the way I read it then basically I am allowed to carry anywhere any LEO is allowed to carry for the most part. Again as of now I only carry where it is legal to carry with a GFL issued under 16-11-129 and I am just wandering for myself if this law opens more areas to carry in GA? thanks for everyones help and so far I love this state (been here about 10 months. I have tried posting this under the Georgia forum last week but it seems noone likes to go there. sorry.
I have talked to court officials concerning this in the past and they say yes ACTIVE duty military are exempt as stated. That being said remember that Atlanta is causing problems concerning the laws allowing carry in the non-secure areas of the airport and MARTA is causing problems with carry on the rail system. Carry under these conditions at your own risk.
Thanks that would be my next stop. not that I am complaining but did they happen to mention why active military are exempt? it seems kinda weird but I will take it.
Thanks that would be my next stop. not that I am complaining but did they happen to mention why active military are exempt? it seems kinda weird but I will take it.

Didn't ask as it was a surprise to me. I was still in the Air Force when they changed the law (approximately 1999-2000) and still obtained a GFL. It doesn't exempt you from the NICS check before buying a weapon and the GFL does.
marionandjohn and ronwill.

It would seem if the will let the serviceman (person) risk their life to defend their country, they should allow them to defend their own lives.
marionandjohn and ronwill.

It would seem if the will let the serviceman (person) risk their life to defend their country, they should allow them to defend their own lives.

Couldn't agree more, however, I know a few that simply shouldn't have a gun. Intelligent but zero common sense. Remember also that most service men and women only have their weapons during training and actual combat situations not 24/07 and combat situations differ immensely from day to day defense. My surprise was that Georgia exempts active duty (not retired) and is one of the very few states that do so.
As I said before I am Active AF but I have only carried places that a GFL can carry. I do have my GFL and follow those laws and I agree there are service men and women that shouldnt have weapons near them. I have shot M-16 with a few that could only hit the paper 5 times (not the targe) at 25 yards. Grantit they are not required to due to their job but that is scary on my part. I think the only time I might not follow the GFL law is for the public gatherings (its to vague)