Here's a letter that I've sent out in the past. Hope it helps.
Dear Sir or Ma'am:
I was [shopping, visiting, patronizing, etc] your [name of business] located at [address of business] today and noticed that you have a sign prohibiting citizens from carrying a firearm on your store property. This concerns me for several reasons. First and foremost is that I'm a law abiding citizen I am licensed to carry a firearm by the state of Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Utah. These states perform a background check to ensure that I am indeed a law abiding citizen and have no felony convictions, drug convictions and mental defects or disabilities. I have passed the criminal history background check for these states. My [state license that is valid in the particular state (NV, FL, etc.)] license is recognized by your state and allows me to carry a concealed firearm. I don't understand why your business prohibits licensed individuals from carrying a firearm. Statistics show that "gun free" zones often work in favor of criminals. You can imagine that as a law abiding citizen, I will comply with the law to the best of my ability. Criminals by definition do not follow laws and therefore could possibly consider your business and it's patrons as a possible target because of your policy. Most criminals will choose an "unarmed" victim over an "armed" one. I carry my firearm for personal protection and frequently practice at the shooting range so I'm competent in using my firearm should the need arise. I do my best to stay away from areas where there is a higher probability of running into criminals. For this reason, I humbly ask that you consider changing your policy and remove the signs if possible. I understand that this is American and businesses are free to operate as they see fit. I however don't feel safe doing business at an establishment where I may be at higher risk. Should your business remain a "gun free" establishment, I will be taking my business elsewhere and will be sure that I inform my acquaintances of the policy of your business establishment. There are many folks out there that share my concern, and may follow my lead in patronizing establishments that don't have "gun free" policy.
I thank you for taking the time to hear my concern. A written response will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to being a continued loyal customer.
[your name here]
Dear Sir or Madam:
I was patronizing your establishment recently and noticed your sign prohibiting the carrying of firearms on your store property. This concerns me greatly.
I am a law-abiding citizen and have been licensed by the state to carry a firearm, concealed. In order to get my license, I had to pass a criminal background check to ensure that I am indeed a law-abiding citizen and have no felony convictions, drug convictions and mental defects or disabilities.
I do not understand why your business prohibits lawful, licensed individuals from carrying firearms. Statistics show that "gun free" zones work in favor of armed criminals. As a law abiding citizen, I comply with the law to the best of my ability. Criminals, by definition, do not follow laws and therefore consider your business and its patrons as possible targets because of your policy. Most criminals will choose an "unarmed" victim over an "armed" one.
I carry my firearm for personal protection and frequently practice at the shooting range; I am competent in using my firearm should the need arise. I do my best to stay away from areas where there is a higher probability of running into criminals.
I request that you consider changing your policy and remove the signs if possible. Businesses are free to operate as they see fit, but I, however, don't feel safe doing business at an establishment where I may be at higher risk. Can your establishment guarantee my safety while on your property? Are you willing to assume pecuniary liability should I suffer harm in your so-called "gun free" zone? Should something go wrong, how long will one have to wait for the police to show up?
Should your business remain a "disarmed victim" establishment, I will be taking my business elsewhere and will be sure that I inform my acquaintances of the policy of your business establishment. There are many out there that share my concerns, and may follow my lead in patronizing establishments that don't have "gun free" policies.
A written response will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to being a continued loyal customer, but will spend my money elsewhere until your baseless policy is changed.
While I agree and like the letter. I like it better that nobody knows I carry, or have a CHL. Only ones who know are my wife/kids/mom/dad......That's it. It would be too easy for someone local who works at the establishment to find out or hear about the letter tell some else and then more people than I would like, now know I carry. I never talk to friends/co-workers about if, when, or where I carry or even that I have a CHL. Just my 2cents.
I was given some of these a few years ago, and had a bunch printed up. I really enjoy the befuddled look on store managers faces when I hand it to them face to face. Being "bosses", they're not used to being confronted by honesty, and independence.
Front and back views of a single card....... you can get cards here........ Free "No Guns, No Money" Cards
Link Removed
Many folks don't get a CCW because they feel they will be outside the "Norm". If we can demonstrate that CCW holders are a goodly portion of the law abiding citizenry, perhaps these folks will opt to carry also.