Generation America! A conservative alternative to AARP's liberal BS

Red Hat

New member
I was watching FOX News yesterday and I saw an interview with a representative of Generation America. GenA is the fasting growing new business around. After only 6 weeks people are tearing up their AARP cards and joining GenA. I tried to sign up yesterday but after the Fox interview I couldn't get on the site until this morning. At $19 a year for you and your spouse it's a pretty good deal.

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Generation America was created with a sense of urgency. As we enter this new age, there are troubling signs that our government is spending our hard-earned tax dollars at an unheard of rate. This massive bureaucracy is trying to pass laws that could severely affect our health care and Lawmakers are looking at huge increases in carbon taxes, VAT taxes and others. These events can create havoc in the markets and threaten the financial security of the over-50 generation. These policies are very damaging to those of us on fixed incomes.

At the same time, our government is taking over businesses and attempting to nationalize our health care system. It is creating huge, cumbersome bureaucracies to run our lives.

As we have throughout our lives, we made a decision to act—to do something to ensure that we were heard. From this decision, Generation America was born.

Generation America (Gen-A) is a dynamic member-based organization for the over-50 generation. We believe in our natural right to freedom over our own lives, liberty and property. We also share a serious thirst for life and the unlimited human potential. We believe in the free market and the American dream.

Generation America is comprised of four key components:

* Advocacy: We are the voice for those who have earned it. Generation America has spearheaded a mission to speak out in support of individual liberty and freedom for all Americans. Our team will work tirelessly to communicate our ideals and to fight for free-market solutions rather than government intervention.
* Member Services: Generation America is focused and committed to our members. Our primary goal is to bring added value through the best services and savings to our members. Over time as we grow we plan to create an incredible array of exciting services for our members benefit.
* Enrichment: Generation America’s Enrichment team works around the clock to bring a variety of unique enrichment programs that speak to our members’ values and beliefs, enhance their quality of life and foster their sense of community.
* Education: Generation America is committed to the development and promotion of an educational program designed around our nation's history, American exceptionalism, free market economics and the great success of our culture. As this program develops, we will keep our members and others informed with regular communication. Gen-A’s educational program is being designed to inform, celebrate American success and inspire our members.
* Generation America is committed to educating the youth of America on these same principles and we are developing a plan to bring age-appropriate programs to the school children of America. We believe that some of the more basic precepts of history have been lost through time and we have a commitment to prepare our youth to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Generation America is focused and determined to realize the full potential of our organization and we are excited about the community we are building. Our ultimate vision is that of an online community that extends and enhances many aspects of our lives.

Let’s live life to the fullest. Please join Generation America today.
I signed up for this... There were a couple of thangs in the About Us section...

That's also one of the reasons I signed up. I'd love to see them grow to be stronger than AARP. We need some more powerful Conservative Lobbyist.