Gas station etiquette


God Bless Our Troops!!!
OK here goes...

1. When you buy gas get it and then move your car. I don't want to sit there waiting on your inconsiderate self to get a dang slushy and read 6 magazines you will not buy.

2. When people are in line for the pumps...don't whip around the end of the gas island facing the wrong way and prevent whomever was next from moving forward. I have a 4x4 for people like that for a reason.

3. If an elderly or disabled person is having trouble...HELP THEM OUT! it will only make things faster for everyone and give you cool points with the rest of the decent people.

4. Do not use your cell phone...smoke or...leave your vehicle running. I would just as soon not burn to death because you are a moron.
i remember....

real gas stations. the attendant would pump the gas, check the tires, clean your windshield while you took a leak,grabbed a coke and a moon pie or sandwich. and gas was.75 a gallon. and my daddy thought that was outrageous!!! i might would not mind....... oh, who am i kidding? i do mind.....
My Pet Peeve

OMG that is my pet peeve. I hate it when I am setting behind some slack jawed inbreed redneck talking in side the station with two or three cars lined up (that they can see by the way) as if nothing is going on. What a way to miss up my day.
OK here goes...

1. When you buy gas get it and then move your car. I don't want to sit there waiting on your inconsiderate self to get a dang slushy and read 6 magazines you will not buy.

2. When people are in line for the pumps...don't whip around the end of the gas island facing the wrong way and prevent whomever was next from moving forward. I have a 4x4 for people like that for a reason.

3. If an elderly or disabled person is having trouble...HELP THEM OUT! it will only make things faster for everyone and give you cool points with the rest of the decent people.

4. Do not use your cell phone...smoke or...leave your vehicle running. I would just as soon not burn to death because you are a moron.

Talking on a cell phone while refueling has never been linked to any explosions or fires. It may be irritating to watch someone dragging their *** due to yapping on a cell phone, but it's not a fire hazard.

I read that no cell phone has ever been linked to any fire of explosion and any gas station, ever.

The statement that you should not use your cell phone around fuel pumps must have been made by some
governmental bureaucrat trying to assert him/herself.
And another thing. Turn that stupid radio down! Just because you want to ruin your hearing with that crap does not mean everyone else wants to hear it.
real gas stations. the attendant would pump the gas, check the tires, clean your windshield while you took a leak,grabbed a coke and a moon pie or sandwich. and gas was.75 a gallon. and my daddy thought that was outrageous!!! i might would not mind....... oh, who am i kidding? i do mind.....

75 cents a gallon!!!!!!!!!! I remember buying gas for 19 cents a gallon. The standard for years was 32 for regular. When the Self-Service started it was a 3 cents discount for pumping it yourself. I understand in New Jersey that you still can't pump it yourself but since I stay from there I don't know.

What I really hate is 20 pumps available and some joker pulls up to the same pump as you on the other side knowing that it will slow the flow down. I have found at some stations that the flow is cut a good bit by tow people on the same pump. That and not pulling to the last pump in a 3 pump line blocking anyone from getting to the other two.
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75 cents a gallon!!!!!!!!!! I remember buying gas for 19 cents a gallon. The standard for years was 32 for regular. When the Self-Service started it was a 3 cents discount for pumping it yourself. I understand in New Jersey that you still can't pump it yourself but since I stay from there I don't know.

What I really hate is 20 pumps available and some joker pulls up to the same pump as you on the other side knowing that it will slow the flow down. I have found at some stations that the flow is cut a good bit by tow people on the same pump. That and not pulling to the last pump in a 3 pump line blocking anyone from getting to the other two.

+1. I remember gas getting to 75 cents I thought the end of the world had come. When I was a teen 2 bucks would fill up my tank.
And another thing. Turn that stupid radio down! Just because you want to ruin your hearing with that crap does not mean everyone else wants to hear it.

On many military bases you can be cited if you car audio can be heard 20 feet from the vehicle. Hawaii has a similar law that makes the limit 30 feet.

Is your cell phone intrinsically safe?

I read that no cellphone has ever been linked to any fire of explosion and any gas station, ever.

The statement that you should not use your cell phone around fuel pumps must have been made by some
governmental bureaucrat trying to assert him/herself.

Is your cell phone intrinsically safe? does it have a spark arresting shield and gasket system to allow for use in a dangerous vapor environment? I doubt it. Just because it has not been linked to and the MYTHBUSTERS used some really bad science to misprove their point, why risk it.

The flash point of gasoline is extremely low as it is.

We were not allowed to xmit on a handheld radio within 50 Ft of an aircraft being refuelled with JP8 (much higher flash point than gasoline). This was all due to basic intrinsic safety.

This was before there were ever cell phones and the same principles still hold true. Once again, why risk it?
I personally cannot vouch for the accuracy, but here is a 2004 article by CBS news of a cell phone gasoline fire. Since I have to trust CBS news more than Mythbusters that makes 1 more than "none - ever"

Link Removed
The cell phone uses no mechanical switches, which are a source for an arc or ignitions source, other than when charging, there have been a few issues with after market cell battery's going into meltdown.

Mythbusters went to some extremes to try and ignite fuel vapors with a cell and could not make it happen. And yes there is not one single incident recorded anywhere of a cell phone causing a fire at a gas pump. Firefighter are good at their job but are very poor incident investigators, Static discharge is the cause of a great many fires at the gas pump, all you have to do is slide out of the car and touch the body on a dry day.

Now if you ask if filling a gas can in the trunk of your vehicle has caused a fire the answer is a resounding yes, on multiple occasions, that is why you must place it on the ground to dissipate the static while filling.

N yeah I have seen more than one person pull up to the pump just for the shade, go inside and stay there for 15 minutes and come out with a pop n never pump a drop of fuel all the while you are waiting in the sun. No I will not use my big push-bar and 4X4 to shove them out of the way, but if I can I will go around and back into the pump so tight to their car that they cannot move until I leave first.
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real gas stations. the attendant would pump the gas, check the tires, clean your windshield while you took a leak,grabbed a coke and a moon pie or sandwich. and gas was.75 a gallon. and my daddy thought that was outrageous!!! i might would not mind....... oh, who am i kidding? i do mind.....

Maybe you're okay with that, but I would rather do it myself. At least don't I live in one of those states where self serve gas stations aren't allowed. What's the point of outlawing self serve anyway; are Democratic politicians in those states afraid that allowing self service takes jobs away?
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I enjoy going to a "full service" gas station. It's great to be able to kick back and relax while getting the tank filled, fluids checked and windows washed.

For the record, I'm not lazy, I simply don't like going in to my next business meeting with car residue on my hands (from checking or filling fluids), or the smell of fuel on my clothing (from that occasional malfunctioning gas pump).

There's one Shell gas station I go to where the guy filling gas has been there for decades. He's a really nice guy who can tell you a lot about your vehicle by the sound of the engine. Gas is only 10 cents more per gallon at that station, so a fill up doesn't cost much more. I enjoy getting my fluids topped off and windows cleaned while chatting with a man who really enjoys his job and makes a great effort to satisfy the customers. These days it's very difficult to find places that offer exceptional service. Most times the gas station attendant is chatting on the cell phone and you're not able to ask any questions (like do you have any synthetic motor oil) without getting a nasty look. Many places (in general) the cashiers won't even look at you while the toss your change at you from across the counter.

Looks like the "good 'ole days" are gone and we're in for a wild ride when the "robots" (human and mechanical) begin serving us.

75 cents a gallon!!!!!!!!!! I remember buying gas for 19 cents a gallon. The standard for years was 32 for regular. When the Self-Service started it was a 3 cents discount for pumping it yourself. I understand in New Jersey that you still can't pump it yourself but since I stay from there I don't know.

What I really hate is 20 pumps available and some joker pulls up to the same pump as you on the other side knowing that it will slow the flow down. I have found at some stations that the flow is cut a good bit by tow people on the same pump. That and not pulling to the last pump in a 3 pump line blocking anyone from getting to the other two.

You both are youngsters, I remember the gas wars and 10 cent a gallon gas, 15 cents regular price at the discount station and the expensive stuff was at the Standard oil station at 18 cents a gallon for 115 octane premium.

N yes I pumped it checked your air and cleaned the windshield. Use to have an old lady come in every two - three days to buy one gallon of gas just so she could get her windshield cleaned , air, and fluid levels checked, then she would drive a block to the cheap station where they didn't do that stuff and filled up.

how about the security issues when traveling, side wall punchers, oil on ground, short stick, and some bozo that cannot even count without the cash register doing it for them crawling around your car, not me I trust no one but my one mechanic.

I stopped going to full service station when I was on a trip and some bozo tried to short stick me, and I got in a huge argument about my oil levels, the one I had just checked 20 minutes earlier at a rest stop.

Maybe If I felt crappy and the weather is bad I might let someone under my hood, but to be exact do you really want some kid that can not do basic engine maint under your hood? Just because he can pump gas dies not make him a mechanic.
I enjoy going to a "full service" gas station. It's great to be able to kick back and relax while getting the tank filled, fluids checked and windows washed.

For the record, I'm not lazy, I simply don't like going in to my next business meeting with car residue on my hands (from checking or filling fluids), or the smell of fuel on my clothing (from that occasional malfunctioning gas pump).

There's one Shell gas station I go to where the guy filling gas has been there for decades. He's a really nice guy who can tell you a lot about your vehicle by the sound of the engine. Gas is only 10 cents more per gallon at that station, so a fill up doesn't cost much more. I enjoy getting my fluids topped off and windows cleaned while chatting with a man who really enjoys his job and makes a great effort to satisfy the customers. These days it's very difficult to find places that offer exceptional service. Most times the gas station attendant is chatting on the cell phone and you're not able to ask any questions (like do you have any synthetic motor oil) without getting a nasty look. Many places (in general) the cashiers won't even look at you while the toss your change at you from across the counter.

Looks like the "good 'ole days" are gone and we're in for a wild ride when the "robots" (human and mechanical) begin serving us.


That's fine that you like full service. All I'm saying is that gas station owners should be able to decide whether their stations are full service or self serve, instead of the law mandating that they be full service.

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