Gang Members Shoot 2, Kill 1


New member
This happened not to many miles from me. Just another example of why we need to be armed and have our weapons close at hand at all times. Also if there is anything you can do to make your house or apt. a harder target do it. Better locks, stronger doors etc. Be ever vigilant. It is a jungle out there.

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FORT WORTH, Texas -- Police said they are looking for the three people who shot two men overnight, killing one.

The culprits went to the Spanish View Apartments in the 2800 block of Broadmoor Drive at about 8:30 p.m. Thursday and began spray-painting graffiti on the buildings and cars, police said.

Police said they think one of the spray-painted cars belonged to one of the victims, who started a fight with the culprits.

The men left the complex, but police said they returned a short time later and fired shots into one of the victim’s door. The men then went into the victim’s apartment and shot him and the other man in the chest.

Police said the shooters are known gang members. Police said they left in a dark, older-model Lincoln Town Car.

Both of the victims were taken to Harris Methodist Hospital in critical condition, police said. One of the men died after arriving, police said.
Kinda scary what bad guys will shoot over these days. Someone confronts you about tagging their car so you leave, get a gun, and come back and kill them......
Some people should die. It seems to be getting worse,in the smaller towns now.With a total lose of control of society the goverment has no option but marshel law.
Scary. This shows that each one of us is ultimately responsible for his or her life and should be sufficiently trained in defence tactics so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones.
how sad.. it seems that people are more and more stupid every day.. shooting over nothing.. killing just to kill. they deserve to fry
I'm wondering what the Brady's solution to this would be. They don't believe in shooting back at someone shooting at you, but they never say what the next best thing would be. I'm waiting............
Scary. This shows that each one of us is ultimately responsible for his or her life and should be sufficiently trained in defence tactics so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones.

The thing is,this is how it should be;every adult responsible for his or her own safety.Truth be told,that is how it is now,though in alot of cases they are not allowed the tools to defend themselves,like in WASHINGTON D.C.,the (murder) capital of the U.S.A.,and in CHICAGO,and NEW YORK CITY,and KALIFORNIA.
I'm wondering what the Brady's solution to this would be. They don't believe in shooting back at someone shooting at you, but they never say what the next best thing would be. I'm waiting............

I think we all KNOW what the Brady bunch's solution is;take away ALL guns.It NEVER works,but it is ALWAYS what they want.
By the way,I wrote to the Brady bunch once,informed them how misguided their efforts were,and asked about Sarah Brady buying guns for her son(straw purchase) and transporting it across a state line and breaking the law in the state where she bought it (in that state the real prospective owner must show up in person)Guess what...they never replied.

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