G19 Holsters


Learning more daily
I've recently decided to commit myself to daily carry (new gun helped out this decision) and have been doing some research into IWB holsters. I think the reason that I've never carried beyond leaving the gun in the car very much is that my only holster is a less than comfortable Uncle Mikes IWB. Anyone have any major cons of any of these? From what I gather they all should work pretty well. Thanks in advance for the advice.

CrossBreed Supertuck - Crossbreed Holsters > Home
Seems like people like these.

Comp-Tac C-Tac - Comp-Tac : Top-Quality Firearm Accessories
Equally impressive reviews. Expensive though.

Kholster - Kholster
Similar to CrossBreed in many ways except for price. I like what I've read so far.

Applegate Holster Works - Link Removed
Found them on Ebay and like what I've read as well. Can't find any reviews online. Anyone have any?
GFGrant I would like to know the answer to this as well. I just bought a Glock 19 and am currently looking for a holster. I'll let you know if I find something as well.
I've had the Supertuck for about three weeks carrying G19 at 3-4 o'clock. I tuck my shirt, blouse it a little and cinch the belt.

I also use on occasion the SmartCarry. But I like the Supertuck better; more comfortable and gun is way more accessible.

Comparing to the pictures of the Kholster and Applegate, it seems like Supertuck puts a lot more time in finishing the holster edges, cut and design. Looks like that is where the price difference is. The designs are comparable, though.

The C-Tac is really nice looking there. But the idea behind the other designs is the leather between the grip/rear sight and your body. For a C-Tac style holster, I would get a SkyOps from Galco. But really don't need one.

Supertuck gets my vote. Hope that helps.
The Milt Sparks Summer Special II is one of the most popular IWB but: is not tuckable, has about a 6 month wait, and is about $170 ($120 on ebay).

I narrowed down my search between the Supertuck and the Mtac by Comp-Tac. I went with the Mtac because I believe it is better built and the holster body is replaceable, and like the adjustable cant. Received my order in less than a week. It is more comfortable than I anticipated. Highly recommend it.
A bit pricey, but this will be my next IWB holster;

Link Removed

I like the feature that allows the shirt to fall between the belt and holster. I like to wear my shirts tucked in.
After some amount of internal debate I've decided to go with the "Slim" model by Applegate Holster Works. I really like what I see and am really excited. They carry a return policy so if I don't like it I'll return it (hopefully that won't happen). They're similar to the others and not quite as expensive. Sadly not everyone is rich. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Holster is located here fyi: Link Removed

Has anyone done business with them? I can't find anything online and am a little wary but am going to try it anyways. Now all I have to do is wait on it to come in (which I hate doing). Thanks for the advice everyone!
Just carried the Comp-tac Minataur IWB for my G19 for an Advanced Combat Pistol class. More than 18 hours, hundreds of draws and reholsters. Love it. Very comfortable and never a hiccup. Every reholster was effortless and as easy as an OWB holster.

Comp-tac Link Removed

Highly recommend the class as well: The Defensive Shooting Academy of Tulsa Homepage
CrossBreed has been a long time supporter of our sites, so I may be a bit biased..... but, that being said, we did a review of their Super Tuck and really liked it. In fact, we STILL like it. In our review we used a G23.

You can find the review at: Link Removed
I posted this on GlockTalk but figured I'd share it on here for those that are interested in what I ended up with. As stated earlier I ended up purchasing the "Slim" model by Applegate Holster Works. It came in a little while ago so I figured I should let everyone know what I think.

First thought: It's pretty darn ugly, and is definitely not fancy. Not a surprise though if you read through their website. Second thought: I've just learned ugly isn't always a bad thing. I actually like the holster. It took a little bit of time but now it holds the form of my body after I take it out (instructions that came with it likened it to breaking in a baseball glove). I've found I like the thickness of the holster. Can't say I absolutely can't feel it but I do forget that I have it on. I don't really sweat all that much with it either.

Gun retention is good as well. The gun snaps in and stays put while I carry it. No visible printing either. I can't say I have any similar holsters to compare it to but this one will work for me for now. All in all not a bad purchase I figure. I'll be sure to post a comparative review if I get anything else anytime soon.

Best of all.....I got $5 returned via PayPal today for asking if anyone knew about the holster online(many thanks to psychman of GlockTalk for reminding me).
Glock holster

Holsters for concealed carry are like purses for women. It is a matter of personal preference and is to a great extent dictated by dress style. I have some Glocks and some holsters but a Galco 1719 T is the fall back standard. I have tried IWB and this Galco is an OWB type with an FBI style cant. I wear it between the belt loop over my right pocket. I have been carrying Glocks with the Galco for about 2 1/2 years since I got my CHL. It conceals quite well with an outside shirt tail. I carried a Glock 17 around for a month after I got my CHL and my wife didn't even notice it.

The best feature of this Galco model is that you can carry any number of Glock models equally as well. I carry a Glock 17, 26, 22, and 23 with little difference. As far as dress style, since it is OWB, I changed my dress style somewhat to wear sports shirts with square tails outside. I have experienced little discomfort with this setup carrying any of the four Glocks daily. I wear slacks and sport shirts and I carry daily and on occasion carry with this set up while driving 8 or more hours per day. I don't recall what I paid for this holster, but it was less than the Crossbreed. I have probably four other Glock holsters that gather dust that I would gladly trade for ammo.

If I am in a situation that requires shirt tail in or suit, I carry a Ruger LCP in a pocket holster. The truth of the matter is, for concealed carry, no one handgun will be suitable for every situation. And no one holster is suitable for every situation. I have a Walther PPKS that I bought for my wife who has a CHL also. Unfortunately, holsters for the PPKS has not been an issue since it was recalled less than two months after I bought it and it has been at Smith and Wesson now for almost three months with no end in sight.

Some people carry a cell phone or a Blackberry on their belt. I carry a Glock and I do not leave home without it. I hope this helps!


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