Funny picture! "you'll shoot your thigh out, kid!"


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OK, if the NWO Gestapo ever Git-Mo's my ass-ets, lock me in a padded cell I figure water-boarding ain't so bad and what's a few thousand volts to my family jewels BUT they get to playing that frigging movie 24/7, I will spill every secret I ever knew about anyone, lie, cheat steal and gnaw my own arm off just to escape. Make Hanibal Lechter look like a vegiterian!

"THE HORROR......." :bad:


You know, I've never seen that movie before, but it looks like the entire thing is on Youtube. Maybe you should check it out. :haha:

Here are a bunch of the "you'll shoot your eye out!" clips in one video. You'll shoot your eye out! I actually have no idea how one would "shoot one's eye out", aside from pointing it directly at one's face. It's hard (although not impossible) to imagine anyone being that stupid.
You know, I've never seen that movie before, but it looks like the entire thing is on Youtube. Maybe you should check it out. :haha:

Here are a bunch of the "you'll shoot your eye out!" clips in one video. You'll shoot your eye out! I actually have no idea how one would "shoot one's eye out", aside from pointing it directly at one's face. It's hard (although not impossible) to imagine anyone being that stupid.

You need to watch the entire movie. While growing up I knew two different boys that did get their eye shot out. Back in the 50's and 60's it was rather common believe it or not. A cousin of mine was shot in the leg with a pellet gun and I think the pellet is still in his leg.
Dear orange eating toreskha,
Not to start any agro here, but I have 2 simple words for you my delusional fiend, I mean friend:

BITE ME! :butcher:


Ah, I'm kidding about the movie. It does seem like it has some anti-gun overtones, which is obnoxious. Other than that though, I'd probably have to watch it myself to see what's annoying about it.
Ah, I'm kidding about the movie. It does seem like it has some anti-gun overtones, which is obnoxious. Other than that though, I'd probably have to watch it myself to see what's annoying about it.

The absolutely most annoying thing about this movie is the fact that at least one network has shown it continuously for 24 hours or more every year for the last 5.
Funny picture

I just got through responding to a post in the MythBusters forum about shooting your eye out, as is said by so many people to combat kids getting BB guns. As far as I am aware, you cannot actually shoot your eye out. You may be blinded with a BB gun, but I have never actually heard of the eyebal being blown out of it's socket by a BB gun. I was shot in the left eye with a BB gun in 1957, and I happened to be wearing a pair of glasses that had just had the left lens replaced. Instead of the original plastic, they used plain optical glass that was not heat-treated. In 1957, heat-treating was not done to eyeglass lenses unless they were safety glasses. Now, every glass lens is required to be heat-treated.The BB struck the lens and ricocheted, hitting the door of the garage my two friends and I were standing beside, driving a piece of glass into the eyeball. It took six stitches to close the wound, and I still have the eyeball. There is no lens, as I developed a traumatic cataract, which was removed. A hard lens implant was put in, but failed. The important part of all this being that my eye was not shot out, simply damaged badly. I have an aunt that figures I should be terrified of guns, but I am an avid shooter, amateur gunsmith and reloader, and rabid supporter of the Second Amendment. I taught my kids to properly and safely use firearms, and am proud to say our daughter blew the mind of a Marine range Instructor over her handling of a 1911 on the range. Funny, funny story.
Short, true story: my brother came home from 'Nam on special leave for a funeral. He was 18, I was 21. A bunch of us guys, including 2 Marine friends who were also home on leave, decided that we would have a little "war games" episode in a wooded area in our neighborhood. This was pre-paintball, and being the macho guys we were, didn't want to play with no "sissy" weapons. So we went down to the local sporting good store and bought 8 cheap Daisy BB rifles - you know, the lever-action kind with a little wooden stock. We then separated into two teams, donned our fatigues, and disappeared into the brush. No "capture the flag" stuff, just hunting down the other team. No one was wearling any protection (heavy shirts, helmets or glasses).

I soon found myself in what looked to be an ambush set-up, and as I looked around, I saw nothing but a slight movement in the tall grass, so I brought up my Daisy, aimed in the direction of the movement, and squeezed one off. There was a scream - Damn! These BBs didn't hurt THAT much! Whatta wuss! - and I saw my brother flopping around in the grass, both hands over his face. And I knew immediately what I had done...the admonition I had heard over and over as a child - "Be careful with that thing, or you'll put your eye out!" And this was years before "A Christmas Story" was released. Sure enough, when I got to him and pulled his hands away from his face, all I saw was a blood-red orb where his right eye had been.

Now, I didn't actually put his eye out then and there. As a matter of fact, at the exact moment the BB hit his eye, he had blinked, and the BB hit his eyelid. But the shock wave caused instant internal damage that never could be repaired. After spending almost 8 months in Walter Reed, he was discharged from the Army as fully retired with an 80% disability. Never returned to 'Nam, and a few years later, his eye was removed and he was fitted with a prosthetic. So although I didn't "blow his eyeball out," my shot did result in his losing his eye. And as far as I'm concerned, the admonition was well-founded..."Be careful, kid, or you'll put your eye out with that thing!"
I just got through responding to a post in the MythBusters forum about shooting your eye out, as is said by so many people to combat kids getting BB guns. As far as I am aware, you cannot actually shoot your eye out. You may be blinded with a BB gun, but I have never actually heard of the eyebal being blown out of it's socket by a BB gun. I was shot in the left eye with a BB gun in 1957, and I happened to be wearing a pair of glasses that had just had the left lens replaced. Instead of the original plastic, they used plain optical glass that was not heat-treated. In 1957, heat-treating was not done to eyeglass lenses unless they were safety glasses. Now, every glass lens is required to be heat-treated.The BB struck the lens and ricocheted, hitting the door of the garage my two friends and I were standing beside, driving a piece of glass into the eyeball.
Wait...did the BB bounce off the lens and hit the garage door, or did it bounce off the garage door and hit the lens? How did the BB hit the lens in the first place?
Wait...did the BB bounce off the lens and hit the garage door, or did it bounce off the garage door and hit the lens? How did the BB hit the lens in the first place?

It's "The Incredible Wuzfuz". What happened is that the BB went straight through the new glass lense and sent glass fragments into his eye. He then single handedly pulled out the glass fragments and got a strong magnet to recover the BB. Back in 1957, there was no "911" to call, so he walked to the hospital through 3 feet of snow wearing only his Levi's 501 jeans and a white t-shirt.

I say get the shovel, because it's getting kinda deep in here.

When I was a kid, again in the late 1950,s one of the kids on my block shot another in the eye with a b.b gun. The kid did in fact loose the sight in his eye.
I shot a kid in the thigh with a BB gun when I was a youngin. Not kidding:laugh:

Needless to say, my dad confiscated my new Daisy lever action BB gun and whipped my arse:yes4:
Two brothers were playing with their BB guns and decided to see if it would hurt if they got shot. They decided to take turns shooting each other in the butt. The first one bent over and let his brother shoot him, it hurt but he told his brother that it didn't because he wanted to shoot the other brother. The older brother then bent over while the first brother shot him in the butt. He started screaming and crying running to his mother telling her that he had been shot. When the story came out the mother whipped both the boys adding to the shot in the butts. :shout:

What makes this story interesting was that the first brother was my Grandfather and this would have happened about 1910. I can't verify it but my Grandfather told me this story several times and it sounds like something he would do. :biggrin:
Two brothers were playing with their BB guns and decided to see if it would hurt if they got shot. They decided to take turns shooting each other in the butt. The first one bent over and let his brother shoot him, it hurt but he told his brother that it didn't because he wanted to shoot the other brother. The older brother then bent over while the first brother shot him in the butt. He started screaming and crying running to his mother telling her that he had been shot. When the story came out the mother whipped both the boys adding to the shot in the butts. :shout:

What makes this story interesting was that the first brother was my Grandfather and this would have happened about 1910. I can't verify it but my Grandfather told me this story several times and it sounds like something he would do. :biggrin:

Kids do the darndest things!

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