God Bless Our Troops!!!
Fuel costs have soared here and I for one am miffed. Why have the Sheeple not lost their minds and revolted?
I'll tell you why. They have bought off on the economy is heading towards a recession hook line and sinker. They believe all the crap they are told on CNN. This is one case where the Media is Making a difference in the worst way. The economy will recover quicker if the media will quit spreading doom and gloom journalism. If the people get out and spend their hard earned coin on stuff the need and stuff they want...the economy will recover. It took the US getting into world war 2 to break the curse of the great depression. This is not half as bad and the Media is not going to be happy until the sheeple are scared to spend so much as a dime on any luxury.
There is hope! Oil reserves have been discovered in Brazil that make the middle east look like the mom and pop operation they should be. If the US can broker a deal to help liberate that oil from the ground and keep Brazil out of OPEC. We can tell the Middle east to Bugger Off as they say in the UK. I for one,:austin_powers: am all for giving OPEC the single digit salute!
I'll tell you why. They have bought off on the economy is heading towards a recession hook line and sinker. They believe all the crap they are told on CNN. This is one case where the Media is Making a difference in the worst way. The economy will recover quicker if the media will quit spreading doom and gloom journalism. If the people get out and spend their hard earned coin on stuff the need and stuff they want...the economy will recover. It took the US getting into world war 2 to break the curse of the great depression. This is not half as bad and the Media is not going to be happy until the sheeple are scared to spend so much as a dime on any luxury.
There is hope! Oil reserves have been discovered in Brazil that make the middle east look like the mom and pop operation they should be. If the US can broker a deal to help liberate that oil from the ground and keep Brazil out of OPEC. We can tell the Middle east to Bugger Off as they say in the UK. I for one,:austin_powers: am all for giving OPEC the single digit salute!