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Not cool...

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Crap.Another idiot.And the media of course eats it up.You see,this is one of the reasons I think stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed.More fodder for the gungrabbers.
I certainly hope the two injured people will be ok.
Um...I wonder if anyone else there was armed.
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must be he didn't notice the prices on the menu for what he was ordering:(
if he has or had at this point a ccw permit and having a couple of beers he should know booze and guns don't mix. not a good situation at any point.
That is truly terrible. I live close to Knoxville and go there frequently. I know these things happen everywhere, but I am surprised that this happened in Knoxville. It's very sad.
The problem I have with GFZ's in a bar is that I do not drink and yet if I am with some friends who do tend to sip the spirit, I am not allowed to defend myself from something like what was posted?

Anyone who enters a bar and has a CCW and proceeds to drink to excess assumes the risk of either being shot by those of us who are sober and/or going to jail and losing his ticket because he/she decided to consume alcohol. Seems to me that those of us who have CHL's tend to have a bit more commonsense and rationale than most. Sure there is always one bad apple in the bunch and eventually they are weeded out.

I would not be oppsed to letting the "establishment" know who was packing, that way they can determin who to serve. Maybe an armband on the wrist? Yeah I know, you are then "marked" as being armed and it wouldnt take long before the other patrons caught on to the "arm bands". I really do not have an answer, just some thoughts, whats yours?
The problem I have with GFZ's in a bar is that I do not drink and yet if I am with some friends who do tend to sip the spirit, I am not allowed to defend myself from something like what was posted?

Anyone who enters a bar and has a CCW and proceeds to drink to excess assumes the risk of either being shot by those of us who are sober and/or going to jail and losing his ticket because he/she decided to consume alcohol. Seems to me that those of us who have CHL's tend to have a bit more commonsense and rationale than most. Sure there is always one bad apple in the bunch and eventually they are weeded out.

I would not be oppsed to letting the "establishment" know who was packing, that way they can determin who to serve. Maybe an armband on the wrist? Yeah I know, you are then "marked" as being armed and it wouldnt take long before the other patrons caught on to the "arm bands". I really do not have an answer, just some thoughts, whats yours?
I'm with you. Montana prohibits carrying in any establishment that sells alcohol for immediate consumption. I don't drink, but I do like to eat, and around here ANY restaurant with half-decent food also has a liquor license. So I either have to go in gunless, or not go in at all. I have carried into such a place before, accidentally of course. I had already ordered my food (to go) when I noticed beer on the menu. D'oh!!! So I got my dinner and got out of there.

I wish they would change that law, at least to allow me to carry into restaurants that serve alcohol (as opposed to bars that serve food). Or at the very least make places that serve alcohol post something on the door, so I don't make another mistake like before.

The arm band idea isn't a horribly bad one. But put an arm band on the designated driver at each table. That way it is not only the mark of the armed, but anyone packing can get an arm band. Also the arm band should mean free Coke all night:)

isn't this a little like the "blood running in the streets" hysteria?

I mean I may be naive but how about just not drinking if you want to carry or being subject to immediate loss of your CCW if you test for more than .02 or 50% of the local limit? As many stories as we see about shootings, we would see evidence if this was casuing a problem. Maybe this is one of those situations where "everyone knows that carrying a gun in an Applebee's would lead to crazed shootouts" reasoning has been applied. They could consider the standard tests (self-defense, duty to retreat, threat, etc) and add a charge of negligence or something if you had been drinking.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make some assumptions about this guy. I'm willing to bet that he has a criminal record and did not have a CCW permit. However, antis such as the Brady Bunch and Code Pink will use incidents like this to "justify" denying law abiding citizens their rights. If anything, they should use incidents like this to deny wackos such as this guy their rights and leave law abiding citizens alone.
Reminds me of a line by Charles Bronson in one of his death wish movies. One of the B.G.'s asked if he had a problem with guns. He answered "Guns have their place, it is idiot's with guns that bother me".
Here in Texas,it's a little bit different.If 51% or more of the establishment's revenue is from the sale and on-premise consumption of alcohol,firearms are prohibited.I agree with what was said previously,however.The law should read that packing while drinking is prohibited everywhere.As already stated,the current law makes me,the good guy,give up my protection because somebody else is drinking in there.That law makes one of my favorite eateries,Bennigan's,just another potential 'gun-free' killing zone.
That brings up another question. In Fort worth there is a Mexican resturant called Joe T. Garcia's. It has been a favorithe place to eat for many sense the 1930's. They have a 51% sign. I find it hard to believe that they derive more money from the sale of alcohal than food. Whenever I have been in there it seems that only a small portion of the patrons are drinking. I wonder if they just got the sign somewhere and stuck it up.

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