The problem I have with GFZ's in a bar is that I do not drink and yet if I am with some friends who do tend to sip the spirit, I am not allowed to defend myself from something like what was posted?
Anyone who enters a bar and has a CCW and proceeds to drink to excess assumes the risk of either being shot by those of us who are sober and/or going to jail and losing his ticket because he/she decided to consume alcohol. Seems to me that those of us who have CHL's tend to have a bit more commonsense and rationale than most. Sure there is always one bad apple in the bunch and eventually they are weeded out.
I would not be oppsed to letting the "establishment" know who was packing, that way they can determin who to serve. Maybe an armband on the wrist? Yeah I know, you are then "marked" as being armed and it wouldnt take long before the other patrons caught on to the "arm bands". I really do not have an answer, just some thoughts, whats yours?