Frontsight Interest?


New member
I just came back from a 2-day Skills Builder class at Frontsight, Nevada and relayed my experience in another thread. Several folks expressed interest in attending Frontsight perhaps as a USACarry group, which would be a lot of fun (meet the folks you've been yakking to on this site, have a great time together at Frontsight). So...

I contacted Frontsight about the possibility and this is what I found (if I understood everything correctly):

1) Any first-time student for $500 can purchase a certificate to attend the 4-day defensive handgun course. Conversely, the same certificate could be used by 2 people to attend the 2-day defensive course.

2) For $900, you can purchase 2 certificates and get a 3rd one free (so, here, 3 people could pitch in $300 a piece). After this initial purchase of $900, each additional certificate is $300.

I believe I understood FS to say that all students who purchase/split these certificates must attend the same course at the same time. That's ok, cause that's what we're trying to do, here.

So, it seems to me that if we put a group together to go to Frontsight, we could get the course for $250-$300 a pop, assuming most of the group are 1st-time students Seems like a good deal to me. Transportation and hotel expenses could also be shared.

If ayone is interested, let me know on this thread, and I'll try to put this together (unless someone else likes doing this kind of crap!). FYI, I'm a life-member at Fronsight which means two things: I obviously recommend FS and I won't need to pay $300. We'd have to coordinate and pick dates and all that, but it could be a hoot.

My brother and I and our wives are members of Frontsight. I think it would be a good experience and a lot of fun.
$300 sounds like a great price. I'd love to try it out I just have to make sure I have the money for ammo and a plane ticket.

Any rough idea on a date?
A little clarification on point # 2 please. For $300 is that for a 2 day or a 4 day certificate? If it for a 2 day, and I could split the 4 day that I have with someone, I might consider it. I would need to see proposed dates before commiting. I would be driving, so winter weather would be a consideration.
A little clarification on point # 2 please. For $300 is that for a 2 day or a 4 day certificate? If it for a 2 day, and I could split the 4 day that I have with someone, I might consider it. I would need to see proposed dates before commiting. I would be driving, so winter weather would be a consideration.

1 $300 certificate will provide the following:

1 Person a 4-day course
2 people a 2 day course each

So you could "split" the 4 day course with someone, making the cost of a 2 day course $150 per person
1 $300 certificate will provide the following:

1 Person a 4-day course
2 people a 2 day course each

So you could "split" the 4 day course with someone, making the cost of a 2 day course $150 per person

Thanks for the info. I guess that my post was a little vague. I already have a 4 day course certificate. If this is to be a 2 day course, and I decide to attend it, I would be more than happy to split the certificate with someone else. Since it was free for me, it would be free for them as well.
Thanks for the info. I guess that my post was a little vague. I already have a 4 day course certificate. If this is to be a 2 day course, and I decide to attend it, I would be more than happy to split the certificate with someone else. Since it was free for me, it would be free for them as well.

I'm pretty sure your existing 4 day cert can be split with someone else
Also- I'm providing ammo at dealer price (absolutely no mark up) to people who want to attend this, I have pretty good stock levels so even if ammo is hard to find in your area I can order it for the class.
Several folks have mentioned the date. So, let's see if we can start to narrow it down. I'm flexible altho I would prefer something like late April. I'm a CPA, so tax time gets pretty hectic. Also, Jan and Feb might not get you the best weather. Last week was some tough weather (hgh 30s, low 40s, wet), although I"m told the norm is usually high 50s, low 60s but you can't count on it. Went last April and it was beautiful weather (high 70s, low 80s).

Just a quick second thought on Dates, JJF was worring about his job interfering. So I am Planning on going to the Second Amendment March in DC on April 19th. I also know there is a State level March on April 13 in Lansing. I will be there too.
Just a thought...

Mahalo and Mele Kali Ki Maka
Just a quick second thought on Dates, JJF was worring about his job interfering. So I am Planning on going to the Second Amendment March in DC on April 19th. I also know there is a State level March on April 13 in Lansing. I will be there too.
Just a thought...

Mahalo and Mele Kali Ki Maka

I want to be at the Gathering on April 19th, also, so...
I'm a Front Sight member and I'd love to attend the class with the group. Here are a couple of thing to think about:

The 4 day course offers a LOT more than the 2 day class. People could attend either as thy both start on a Friday.

Another option is to purchase a certificate on eBay for about $150. You'll have to pay a $50 background check fee if you use one of the eBay certificates, but its still a great deal.

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