Front Sight


New member
So Front Sight is offering their 2 day defensive handgun course for $100 till April 20th. I am gonna take them up on this offer. Just wonderin how many of you have been there and what I can expect from them.

In case anyone else is interested here is the email I got:

April 4, 2009

Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
P.O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
[email protected]

This is Hard to Believe, But it is True...

(We are Getting LOTS of People Asking if This is for
Real. The answer is YES, it is for Real.)

If you Can Follow Easy Directions YOU Can Secure
A Front Sight Course for Only $100.

Dear Andrew,

Every day I receive numerous pleas from people to provide a
more affordable opportunity to attend a Front Sight course.

College students, retired people on fixed incomes, disabled
veterans, single moms, and people with every other
imaginable situation have e-mailed or written me asking for
a more affordable opportunity to attend a course with Front

Well, if you can follow some very simple directions as
outlined below, you can secure a certificate to attend a
Two Day Defensive Handgun Course for ONLY $100 and use the
certificate at ANY time in the future.

This is the same Two Day Defensive Handgun Course that
normally costs $1,000, but I will make it available to you
through this very limited, Special Course Certificate Offer
for only $100.

That's right! Only $100 but you must follow the very
simple directions to the letter.

Here is how it works:

1. The Certificate is good for you to attend Front Sight's
Two Day Defensive Handgun Course at any time in the future
and has No Expiration Date.

2. The Certificate is good for a student's first course
only. Certificate is transferable, but not redeemable for

3. Simply mail a personal check or money order in the
amount of $100 made payable to Front Sight along with a
Self Addressed, Stamped Return Envelope. Mail your check

P.O. Box 2619
Aptos, CA 95001

4. The deadline for postmark of your envelope is April, 20
2009. This means you must drop the check in the mail to us
before 5:00pm April 20, 2009.

5. Upon receipt, we will mail you back, in the Self
Addressed Stamped Envelope you provide, a special Front
Sight Course Certificate good to attend a Two Day Defensive
Handgun Course at any time in the future with no expiration
date. If you decide at any time in the future you
cannot use it, the Certificate is fully transferable.

Again, it's very simple. Just follow the directions above.

Take advantage of the offer to get a $1,000 Two Day
Defensive Handgun Course that you can attend at any time in
the future for ONLY $100.

Why am I doing this? As I said above, I receive requests
every day from people looking for a more affordable way to
get Front Sight's world class training. I woke up this
morning and decided to provide you this offer. I'll sleep
better knowing I am doing what I can to help.

In order to be able to offer a $1,000 course for only $100
you have to help me by following the directions above to
the letter and complying with the rules below so we are not
inundated with unnecessary calls and e-mails.

Please understand that I cannot give our courses away to
help people and then also have to spend thousands of
dollars in time and logistics answering phone and e-mail
questions that are already answered below.
You will have an awesome time. I train there quite often.

There is a better way to take your first class though. There are people selling certificates for 4 day courses for about $150 on ebay. You'll still have to pay $50 for a background check, but that fee also applies to the 2 day certificate they are currently offering.

The 2 day class is great, especially for a beginner. The 4 day class is a lot better. It adds night shooting, a fun steel shooting 1 on 1 competition, turning targets and use of concealment garments. You will shoot more ammo per day on days 3 and 4 than you will shoot on days 1 and 2 combined. This is mostly due to the number of new shooters. They have to start with the absolute basics (safety, dry practice, drawing from the holster), so it'll be close to lunch time on day 1 before you fire any real ammo.

Either way, have a great trip.
You will have an awesome time. I train there quite often.

There is a better way to take your first class though. There are people selling certificates for 4 day courses for about $150 on ebay. You'll still have to pay $50 for a background check, but that fee also applies to the 2 day certificate they are currently offering.

The 2 day class is great, especially for a beginner. The 4 day class is a lot better. It adds night shooting, a fun steel shooting 1 on 1 competition, turning targets and use of concealment garments. You will shoot more ammo per day on days 3 and 4 than you will shoot on days 1 and 2 combined. This is mostly due to the number of new shooters. They have to start with the absolute basics (safety, dry practice, drawing from the holster), so it'll be close to lunch time on day 1 before you fire any real ammo.

Either way, have a great trip.

Thanks for the info, I'll check ebay.
Watch Out

Check out Front Sight Litigation :hang3:
If you pay $1199 upfront, they promise to give you all sorts of things, but it appears that they are trying to declare bankruptcy so they don't have to give back all the upfront money they scammed.
The "litigation stuff" has been going on for a couple of years now and doesn't seem to be affecting anything. I just figured that I'd get in plenty of training to justify my membership price in case it doesn't last forever. I joined up on Memorial Day weekend of 2007 and have spent a total of 28 days training there with more scheduled. They've been hiring and training quite a few new instructors to ensure they can keep up with the number of people training. One weekend, a couple of weeks after the elections, they had a little over 500 students.

The $1200 dollar "free gun" offer is really good. I wish they had that when I first joined. It's like you bought the stuff and got the $2000 class for free.
That's funny. The frontsight litigation website doesn't exist any longer. What's up with that? Why did Front Sight take it down?

Glad to hear you got some training there Darrell. Daily they have been emailing me marketing material trying to get me to join, become a life member, etc. I have no problem with slick marketing material. I just want to know the company is legit, is solvent, and doesn't have pending law suits.

I received an email from them saying they are accepting applications for instructor positions, with no experience necessary. Do I really want to have a coach helping me who has less time on the range than I have? It's those kinds of things that are making me think twice about taking a class there.

Call me paranoid or pessamistic if you want. It took hard work to earm my money and I've become cautious with how I give it to. Show me FS is worthy of my money, and they are on the up and up, and I'll gladly purchase a life membership. So far, it's not looking good unfortunately.
I have taken their Instructor Development (ID) program and can assure you that you will be getting the most intense, accurate, and professional training available. True, they allow someone with no training to try out, but those get cut the first day. We started with 40 candidates and finished with 14.

There are other programs out there and I am sure they are very good. Get on the 4 day Defensive Handgun class, you will come away in sheer awe of what you have learned and how much you didn't know before taking the training. They have to be doing something right to be training 800 people in 4 days, every week, every month. I guarantee you will get the most professional training available by going to Front Sight.

NO, I do NOT work for them. I went through their program and for personal reasons, made the decision to not work there at this time. Their offer is still open.
I have several friends who have attended Front Sight, one of which took advantage of the free Springfield XD and associated gear for $1199. He got his gun and 5 days of training - the 4-day defensive handgun course, and the CCW course. Neither of them have had any complaints and have told me that I'm crazy for not signing up.

I would, except I don't have $1199 and I won't fly (I live in Florida and the school is in Nevada).
Lifetime member and an ardent supporter of Front Sight. Great training, fantastic time. Took my wife with me for 4-day course, she had never fired a weapon of any kind. At the end of the course, she was drawing her 9 mm from a concealed postion, and planting 2 in the thoracic cavity in 1.5 seconds at 7 m. Just like they advertised.
Lifetime member and an ardent supporter of Front Sight. Great training, fantastic time. Took my wife with me for 4-day course, she had never fired a weapon of any kind. At the end of the course, she was drawing her 9 mm from a concealed postion, and planting 2 in the thoracic cavity in 1.5 seconds at 7 m. Just like they advertised.
Just remember that if you come home at 4am smelling of liquor, and another woman. Just like they advertised. (joke):yu:
I have been trying to get my old memberships "legacy" transferred to my son and girl friend after I upgraded to Diamond for two years now. They have sent me a notice that they had the info and required more 1 ½ years ago, then said they had what they need and now will not even answer any emails. I am not the only one, I have seen on a bunch of forums that others can’t get the transfers done either. They generally jack you around for a while and then just ignore you altogether; this seems to be the way they do business. It’s sad because the good training is badly over shadowed by the bad business ethics. I now see more bad in print about them than good a bad place to be this day. SJ
i took their ccw quiz advertised on this site and get their newsletters now but i can't afford to go out west to train with them so i just watch alot of vids and practice at home (not live fire)and on the range with live fire will have to work for me
I have been trying to get my old memberships "legacy" transferred to my son and girl friend after I upgraded to Diamond for two years now. They have sent me a notice that they had the info and required more 1 ½ years ago, then said they had what they need and now will not even answer any emails. I am not the only one, I have seen on a bunch of forums that others can’t get the transfers done either. They generally jack you around for a while and then just ignore you altogether; this seems to be the way they do business. It’s sad because the good training is badly over shadowed by the bad business ethics. I now see more bad in print about them than good a bad place to be this day. SJ

I beg to differ. I recently had a transfer done and it happened in two days from the first email.
Also it looks like Florida may get a facility in 2014. Of course that is only a rumor , I've only heard bits and pieces.

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