Front Sight Training Institute

My pleasure, Seeker. FS classes are everything they are make up to be. You will walk out of there with your skills refreshed and a dry fire training manuel to practice to.

Hope all works out with your move and have a great time at FS. I am only about 15 years behind you, and during the summer I try to practice twice a month.

spc :)
I went to Front Sight back in May. I found it to be much better than I had even anticipated. They keep you on your toes, but at the same time, they are not running a boot camp. One thing they kept repeating is "this is YOUR class," so there's no need to "compete" with the other students. They encourage that you learn. No problems if you need to sit out a round once in a while.

I have a life membership there, so as soon as I can afford to, I'm taking another trip out there to take 4 day defensive handgun again.

Later on, I'll take some of the other courses, like rifle and shotgun. And the uzi subgun class!
front site 4 day defense course

Once again i thank you for the info on front site,it is to bad they don't have a rate for retired people,but then they have to support a big enterprise and they are promoting firearms and the skills needed to carry them Scott
Yes. That's the same place.

My $0.02 on the law suit.

I believe the people who sued were the ones that paid over $100k for memberships about 10 years ago. Back then they had projected in 10 years time, Front Sight would be completely built with a 100 home gated community with it's own K-12 school, shooping center and airport. Along with the range, rappeling center and other training facilities.

The class action law suit was issued due to the facilities not matching up to what was projected 10 years ago. There's no gated community, school, shopping center, or airport. Only thing there is the ranges, rappeling center and other training facilities.

It's in the middle of the desert and it took a lot more time & resources to build the place than orginially projected about 10-12 years ago.

So, what if there's no gated community at the training site, it still has excellent training.
I, too, recently went to the 4-day handgun training at Front Sight. It certainly builds your confidence. Walking out of there I have a new found comfort while carrying. I know if I need to I can present my gun very quickly and safely.

The instructor to student ration is a bit low, but the student-as-coach method really helps cement what's being learned by reinforcing skills. You stand behind another student on the line and keep an eye on them and remind them of certain aspects of gun handling. It's a really good method.

The instructors are there to quickly correct problems and offer encouragement. Depending on the general skill-level of the class instructors may end up going to another range if that range needs more improvement.

I'll be going back sometime (I've got another 4-day certificate to use) in the mid-future.

Costs revolved around food, lodging, and ammo. They recommend 800-rounds for the 4-day. I think I used up most of that. My buddy and I drove to FS from O.C. Cali. with lots more ammo than necessary. Other expenses may include a belt holster (paddles are not recommended due to possibility of shifting), tactical light (either handheld or weapon rail), extra magazine (three recommended) and 10-hour days.

We stayed in Vegas right off 160. It took about 40-minutes each morning to drive there. Pahrump, the other direction on 160 is only about 20-minutes. Didn't stay there due to getting free hotel in Vegas . . . plus better food choices. They do have a couple of microwaves where you eat lunch. No running water, no refrigerators, port-a-potties only with foot-pump well water for washing hands.

Highly recommended.
front site 4 day defense course

I am signing up for the 4 day defensive course,in Feb 2008,it would be a great help to me,to get as much info as possible,any advise will be greatly appreciated,i am leaving from a small local airport in northern Wisc..thru minnesota,then las vegas,w/car rental,need info such as,trouble transporting firearms(taking one),as i do not want the hassle of a back-up gun shipping, even though they recommend one,renting car and plan on driving thru las vegas to phraump,(any recommendations as to motel)?,i was advised frontsite does not accept ammo shipments,send to motel?,is that possible?,cost of frontsites ammo would help,and motel room expenses,plus getting a lunch prepared etc.any unanticipated expense?,thanks to all who take the trouble to respond,Scott
There are 2 places I would suggest to stay in Pahrump. The Pahrump Nugget ot the Saddle West. At one time, they had special rates for Front Site attendees, but do not know if they still do. The nugget has a 24hr restaurant, SaddleWest restaurant is only 24hes on Fri. & Sat. Both have toll-free numbers on their websites. & Both can be emailed from their site. Hope this helps.
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front sight

Thank you much,i decided on the best western,they were very familiar w/FS,and said they would recieve ammo shipments for me as they have done so before,from such places as,only stipulation was have them put my return address on the shipment so they know who it was for,however FS called and told me ammo fo 40 S&W was 20.00 for a box of 50,or they said there was a Walmart there to pick up ammo,i decided to use FS's store as i am flying in from northern Wisc. and less hassle about shipping excess ammo back,use what i want from them and just fly out,enough hassle w/my Glock flying,albeit not bad,went out to airport had a reciept for ticket printed out and they showed me a little tag i fill out and they put in luggage,with locked pistol in a hard case ,signed up for Feb 22nd 08 class,i have loaded ammo and have been shooting some 45 yrs,& have a Fla.CCW liscense have extra mag's ,loader and plenty of time to get all equipment together,really looking foward to the course,Scott
So far I've attended the 4 day defensive handgun and 4 day practical rifle courses. The training was very good as well as the lectures. First time students usually end up shooting less ammo than they are recommended to bring with them due to the lectures. My wife took the 2 day defensive handgun course and wound up shooting 275 rounds and I fired just under 500 for the 4 day course. We are attending the 4 day handgun course again in February and I'll be taking the shotgun course in March. We've stayed at the Saddle West in Pahrump in the past. They had decent rooms and offer a discount for students if you call to make your reservation. Ammo can be purchased at Wal-Mart in Pahrump or at Bass Pro Shops in Las Vegas, which is 40 minutes away.
I checked on the costs of the classes and they seem pretty high. Why wouldn't I want to hire the instructor at my club for $25/hr?

Estimating 8 hours a day x 4 days x $25/hr = $800

I took advantage of one their specials. For $900 I received 3 training certificates (They are only good for first timers to Front Sight.)

and the certificates cover one course cost per person for any one of the following:

Two Day Defensive Handgun
Two Day Tactical Shotgun
Two Day Practical Rifle
Two Day Uzi Submachine Gun
Two Day Select-Fire M16 Four Day Defensive Handgun
Four Day Tactical Shotgun
Four Day Practical Rifle
Four Day Uzi Submachine Gun
Four Day Select-Fire M16
I took advantage of one of their offers for life membership. I got myself a life membership, allowing me to take any firearm course as many times as I like for life, and a Glock pistol, and some tactical gear, all for $2000. So the cost for courses for me is not an issue. The only cost is getting there.
Yeah, they've had some pretty good membership deals lately, but I bought the certificates back in Nov. so I figured I'd just go check them out first. It's a thousand miles each way for me. I wish they'd get a RV site set up out there. it would cut out the hour drive every day. I know they have some pretty big plans for the facillity. and in case you were wondering about firearm policy in Clark County (Las Vegas) I received the following PDF file from Front Sight:
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It's only a 20 minute drive from the Saddle West in Pahrump. They have a RV park and it cost me $25 a night in January. It's your basic casino style RV Park (a.k.a. glorified parking lot) but there is a laundry room and the rest rooms and showers were kept very clean. Also, I've noticed people boondocking at the large flat graded area just outside the Frontsight entrance. I've seen motorhomes, travel trailers, pop-ups and even tents there. I might even park there next time to offset the price of fuel.
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Front Sight Next Week 5/16/08

I'll be taking the four day handgun course next week. All the hotel rooms in Pahrump were already taken so I will be staying at the Silverton Casino in Las Vegas. If anyone else is doing the same drop me a PM and maybe we can carpool.

Gary C
As soon as I can get conformation from my employer on the vacation days I have requested I'll be sending my application off to Front Sight for their 4 Day Defensive Handgun Course. I hope to go toward the end of the year so want to get the room reservation set as soon as I can in Pahrump.

So for you guys that have already gone, is there a gun cleaning area at Front Site or do you have to clean your weapons in your room? :blink:
As soon as I can get conformation from my employer on the vacation days I have requested I'll be sending my application off to Front Sight for their 4 Day Defensive Handgun Course. I hope to go toward the end of the year so want to get the room reservation set as soon as I can in Pahrump.

So for you guys that have already gone, is there a gun cleaning area at Front Site or do you have to clean your weapons in your room? :blink:

If there was one I never saw it. They are VERY touchy about the unholstering of a weapon for any reason, unless you are told to do so. My wife and I used Glocks, so I didn't do any cleaning until the course was over and I was in my motel room.

Also, be ready for some long days. I estimated 8 hr days before I went. I think it was closer to 10 or 12.
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Oh and another thing. In case you have an RV there is plenty of RV parking in Pahrump and there is a place just outside of F.S., it's free there, but there isn't anything but a dirt lot, no restrooms or water.
As soon as I can get conformation from my employer on the vacation days I have requested I'll be sending my application off to Front Sight for their 4 Day Defensive Handgun Course. I hope to go toward the end of the year so want to get the room reservation set as soon as I can in Pahrump.

So for you guys that have already gone, is there a gun cleaning area at Front Site or do you have to clean your weapons in your room? :blink:

When I took my course last year, they did not allow us to clean our guns there. They just told me that the gun could handle not being cleaned for a few days. They also urged us not to clean guns in our hotel rooms, as there have been incidents at some hotels of guns discharging. Then the hotels want to blame Front Sight.

Enjoy your class! Let us know how you made out!

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