free training material!!

you bet.....

there is another one i have to a book by sykes-fairbairn{sp?} called " shooting to live". i will try to find it and post it. we sheepdogs gotta stick together..
One of them worked for me, the first I think. The other two gave me file not found. You might want to check them.

ok, i will check and verify links 2 & 3 and make sure i didn't do something wrong. i will also try to get " shooting to live" link posted. probably will be tuesday before i can though. thanks, guys for your patience!
Thanks. I glanced at those links but I plan to look at them in more depth later. Free info is always nice!

do us all a favor troopers and please share any insight you may gain from this info. one thing i have learned is that i still have alot to learn about being a "gunslinger"!!
Yes sir very good all3 came in . Thanks for the male order bride info. My wife is looking for obo for me.