Free Buy, Sell, Trade site


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A friend and I started this site to help law abiding gun owners find one another and transfer firearms legally in their local markets. There is no cost to post, list, or reply to posts. You don't even have to register as a member, it works more like craigslist.

Feel free to give it a try, I hope this doesn't violate any rules, I don't think it should because I'm not selling anything, just offering a free service to other gun owners.

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No problem, we'll keep expanding as necessary.

As you know, empty cities/categories are not a good way to get more users, so if we add your area, be sure to post up something, otherwise we'll likely have to remove it after a few weeks of dead space.

Thanks for the feedback, post away!
I thought by posting the city/town, THAT would take up more space. That is why I left it empty, leaving just the state to give more of a broader range. I'll check it here and there. Thank you anyway.
I thought by posting the city/town, THAT would take up more space. That is why I left it empty, leaving just the state to give more of a broader range. I'll check it here and there. Thank you anyway.

Yeah, that's fine, expanding to new territories is always good. I was just referring to the fact that listing a number of cities that have no posts in them, makes it seem like nobody uses the site. It's better to have actual posts for all the areas listed on the main page, but we'll add any areas where there is interest, the posts will follow.
Looks interesting, but . . . Am I overlooking something, or is New Jersey deliberately not listed for some reason? I'm feelin' kinda . . . ostracized!

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