Free AK-47


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By the way someone needs to tell them its spelled Kel Tec not celtec

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BUTLER, Mo. — Buy a truck and get a free AK-47 gun.

That's the deal a Missouri truck dealer is offering new customers who buy a pick-up truck in August.

Mark Muller, owner of Max Motors in Butler, says he knows people will be bothered by the promotion.

But not to worry, Muller is not handing out free guns. Instead, he will give buyers a voucher to use at a gun store after they obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon.

The AK-47 is an upgrade on a previous promotion in which Muller gave away vouchers for the price of a Caltec pistol.

The retail value of an AK-47 is $450 dollars but Muller says customers can spend their voucher on the gun of their choice.
Retail Value of $450?! Last time I checked prices were around $600+ for a knockoff AK! I think an actual AK would be worth more than the voucher the're giving out! With $450 you could probably get a new Springfiled XD, but thats about it for the better type name brands in my opinion!
When I first saw the title of the thread I thought you were giving away an AK. I was going to give you my address.:lol:
This is being discussed om another (non firearm related) forum that I frequent. I didn't like the way the news lady handled the interview (her disdain for firearms was evident), but I did like the way he handled himself. The maggot comment made me think that I was watching a calmer Ted Nugent being interviewed.
The dealer (muller) is the brother of Mancow (eric muller)...popular chicago radio host. Saw him on Fox News the other morning. He gave a voucher for handguns last year. He says he is going to sell his entire inventory, and I believe him, great gimic, and an even better way to piss off liberals

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