Forget about Politics...The world ends Wednesday

Red Hat

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Nice knowing everyone here! Get ready and get things in order for Wednesday is it!:no:

Meet Evans the Atom, who will end the world on Wednesday | Mail Online

The man behind the world’s biggest scientific experiment, which critics claim could cause the end of the world, is a Welsh miner’s son who has admitted blowing things up as a child.

But a handful of scientists believe that the experiment could create a shower of unstable black holes that could ‘eat’ the planet from within, and they are launching last-ditch efforts to halt it in the courts.
I don't think it will end quite yet. At least not according to the way I read the scriptures. He might screw it up real good though. We are our own worst enemies.:suicide2:
Time for the tin hats again, they will not have the power to even create one much less a shower, think of the energy involved and they are still a tad short, but it would make a good SCIFI movie though...
I woke up this morning in one piece and not floating around inspace so Im guessing the only big bang last night was some newlyweds.....:girl_wink:
so.........what do you think the military implications of this thing might be?
I woke up this morning in one piece and not floating around inspace so Im guessing the only big bang last night was some newlyweds.....:girl_wink:
so.........what do you think the military implications of this thing might be?

The military probably is already playing a big part in this. The military seems to play a role in anything nuclear related.
This just goes to how you that half of the Scientist don't know what they are doing and the other half are idiots!:wink:
September 12, me and my girlfriend's three-year anniversary. I don't know about any of you, but I'm wondering if it was a bit presumptuous of me to hold my breath on this. On the other hand, I feel that I I let my proverbial guard down, I may be sorry I did.

Oh well, I guess there's nothing wrong with me continuing to live my life the same way I did last week, prior to hearing about this experiment.
September 12, me and my girlfriend's three-year anniversary. I don't know about any of you, but I'm wondering if it was a bit presumptuous of me to hold my breath on this. On the other hand, I feel that I I let my proverbial guard down, I may be sorry I did.

Oh well, I guess there's nothing wrong with me continuing to live my life the same way I did last week, prior to hearing about this experiment.
Keep holding your breath for 4 more years! :laugh: You didn't read all of the article.:wink: Professor Otto Rossler, a retired German chemist said;

'Nothing will happen for at least four years,’ he said. ‘Then someone will spot a light ray coming out of the Indian Ocean during the night and no one will be able to explain it.
‘A few weeks later, we will see a similar beam of particles coming out of the soil on the other side of the planet. Then we will know there is a little quasar inside the planet.’
Prof Rossler said that as the spinning-top-like quasar devoured the world from within, the two jets emanating from it would grow and catastrophes such as earthquakes and tsunamis would occur at the points they emerged from the Earth.
‘The weather will change completely, wiping out life, and very soon the whole planet will be eaten in a magnificent scenario – if you could watch it from the moon. A Biblical Armageddon. Even cloud and fire will form, as it says in the Bible.’:help:

Does 2012 ring a bell?:lol:
Keep holding your breath for 4 more years! :laugh: You didn't read all of the article.:wink: Professor Otto Rossler, a retired German chemist said;

'Nothing will happen for at least four years,’ he said. ‘Then someone will spot a light ray coming out of the Indian Ocean during the night and no one will be able to explain it.
‘A few weeks later, we will see a similar beam of particles coming out of the soil on the other side of the planet. Then we will know there is a little quasar inside the planet.’
Prof Rossler said that as the spinning-top-like quasar devoured the world from within, the two jets emanating from it would grow and catastrophes such as earthquakes and tsunamis would occur at the points they emerged from the Earth.
‘The weather will change completely, wiping out life, and very soon the whole planet will be eaten in a magnificent scenario – if you could watch it from the moon. A Biblical Armageddon. Even cloud and fire will form, as it says in the Bible.’:help:

Does 2012 ring a bell?:lol:

Yes, it's a presidential election year:biggrin: Election years always seem to bring out the worst in people, including those damn scientists:biggrin:
Man playing God again.It will get worse.The wisdom of man is the folly of God.Really smart people that can't tie their own shoes scare me.

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