For all the Bush, Obama, Kennedy lovers

Oregon Vet

NRA Life Since 03/1985
There you are. Will never be printed in the USA. It took Australia to print them. That first one is the way it is too. And I think he probably IS pretty proud of himself over it. I've heard more than ONE rumor that he IS trying to DESTROY America. Drive it BANKRUPT. Sure looks like it, doesn't it.

Enjoy the laughs (even though they AREN'T funny)!

Exclusive: October 7, 2009
15 Australian Political Cartoons That The American Press Would Never Print
By: Patriot Update
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These would be even more funny if it were not for the fact that they are spot on.:lol:
Yeah, that's what is so bad about them. Right On The Money. Here is President Peanut Farmer. Just what we need. WRONG.

BUT, we get it anyway. Folks, welcome to Jimmy Obama... ooops, I mean Carter II.

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For some reason the original cartoon in this post up and disappeared. So, am replacing it on 101409 05:25
