Flying into Milwaukee want to bring my 1911


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My wife and I are flying into Milwaukee to pick up our harley's. From there we will be traveling to PA then back through the states to Washington. I should have Utah's and Florida's concealed carry permits in hand by then. I have the travelers guide for 2011 so I know the issues in Wisconsin and Illinois. I contacted the airline that's not a problem. It is the issue of dealing with the laws of bringing it into Wisconsin. Anyone know what I need to do, who to contact there?
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it."
- Daniel Webster

No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor.
-Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105

An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as though it had never been passed.
-Norton v. Shelby County, 118 US 425
in WI, it has to be unloaded and locked in a case seperate from the ammo and not immediately accessable from the passenger compartment. for a bike it just has to be not on you and locked seperately from the ammo- which also has to be locked in a case.

Be careful, the Milwaukee and Kenosha sherrif departments are notorious for violating state law in regards to 2A
Ship them by carrier to a secure storage depot in the first town that you will hit outside of Wisconsin. Roll in and pick em up. No Wisconsin worries. You might also contact a gun shop or two in that same town and see if they will receive and hold a package for your pick up. Hopefully you have a good relationship with your local gun shop so you can have them ship it for you.
You could take the boat across Lake Mickigan and bypass some of the Commie states and come to Ludington, Mi. We don't care if you carry convealed as long as you have a permit. God Bless the rest of our states.
the ferry ride is pretty nice. Wish WI wasnt so difficult to deal with- its a pain every time i go home to visit familyin Green Bay. Its realy sad OC is legal, but in a vehicle it has to be locked up lol. There will be a bill this summer for either Constitutional Carry or Concelaed Carry- with provisions to fix the few problems with the OC law there.
Thanks for the good ideas, I will look into shipping to a shop outside of the peoples republic of WI.
I thought Washington was fupd. i have had my eyes opened. I will look into the ferry ride to avoid Illinois also.

"Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity has a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them."
--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms, 6 July 1775


I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be “UNCOMMON” If I can. I seek opportunity not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled. I do not wish to have the state look after me.
I want to take the calculated risk, to dream, build, fall, and succeed.
I refuse to barter incentive for a dole!
I prefer the challenge life, to the guaranteed calm of Utopia.
I will not trade FREEDOM for beneficence, nor dignity for a handout.
It is my heritage to think and act for myself. To enjoy the benefit of my creations, face the world boldly and say this I have done.
All this is what it means to be an AMERICAN!

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