Florida Woman Attacked by Fox, Then Shot By Husband


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I don't know but it sounds like he needed more practice or be a little closer.

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Florida Woman Attacked by Fox, Then Shot By Husband
Saturday, July 26, 2008

MORRISTON, Fla. — Authorities say a Levy County, Fla., man accidentally shot his wife while trying to hit a fox that attacked her.

The couple told deputies they spotted an animal in their yard Friday morning and went outside to see what it was.

The fox bit the woman on the left leg and wouldn't let go, so she told her husband to get a gun.

The man fired a .22-caliber rifle seven times, killing the animal but also hitting his wife in the lower right leg.

The woman was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The dead fox will be tested for rabies, but authorities say the results won't be available until next week.
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The article said he fired seven times. I'm wondering if it took that many to actually kill the fox. If he could have killed the fox after the first shot, he would not have needed to risk his wife's life by firing more. Oh well, at least her injuries weren't fatal.
Well, to be fair...the fox probably wasn't just sitting there quietly. The best he could have done would have been to jam the end of the gun in the fox's ear or right up against the body or something, aiming in a direction away from his wife and try to end it like that.
Well, to be fair...the fox probably wasn't just sitting there quietly. The best he could have done would have been to jam the end of the gun in the fox's ear or right up against the body or something, aiming in a direction away from his wife and try to end it like that.

Yep +1 most people do not realize how difficult it is to hit a moving target with a .22 unless you train that way at the range.
Not to mention the head was very close to the teeth on her leg.They are about 38 miles from me and rabies are a problem here.
A course of rabies shots is about $5000. Expensive fox. A fox in your yard in the daytime shoud be about 99% assumed to be rabid. Shoot it from the window.
A course of rabies shots is about $5000. Expensive fox. A fox in your yard in the daytime shoud be about 99% assumed to be rabid. Shoot it from the window.

Health insurance should cover the expense. I'd be more worried about the pain factor. A bunch of shots is no walk in the park.

Yep +1 most people do not realize how difficult it is to hit a moving target with a .22 unless you train that way at the range.
I asked the place I go to if they would let me bring a panicked, herky-jerking fox out to the rifle range and they said no. What a bunch of wusses.
I can hear it now... "dang it woman, stop that dancin' 'round"! BANG BANG BANG YEOWCH! "Well, what did you 'spect? I told ya to stop that dancin'"!
Ya she does as for the shots my son got his first in the sieries and played football same day. They are not given in the belly anymore.If the fox was proven to be rabid you get less shots.
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