Florida CWL law question..............


New member
If a cop pulls you over for something, lets say you have a brake light that is out, do I have to tell him, BY LAW, that I have a concealed firearm on my person?

I read on this site in the Florida section that you have to let them know "on demand". What does that actually mean....if the cop asks you if you have any weapons, then you must tell him?

Yes if the cop asks if you have any weapons you must tell them. Some people would tell them even if they did not ask. Me i would tell them and not risk them seeing it and thinking i am a bad guy. Out i come from the car at gun point. If i was pulled over and i had my gun on me What I would do ( again this is just me) is i would cross my hands on the wheel and when the cop came to the window i would tell them my name. Tell them that i do have a CWP and that i do have a gun. I would then tell them where the gun is on me/in the car. Then keeping my hands on the wheel i would ask them what they would like me to do. That's what i would do i have been told by police that's the best thing to do to keep every one safe.
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Good advice. Having been stopped for a bad tail light at 4 in the morning, with my hunting rifle in my truck, I can tell you, it keeps things on a good footing when the officer knows what guns you have and where. Officers like cooperation and openness.
I would also try to find out whether the state you're in has a requirement to notify. Florida, in fact, has no such requirement, so if the officer does not ask you, you do not have to tell him. Others, such as Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina, and Louisiana, require CCW permit holders to notify LEOs that they are armed, whether the LEO asks them or not.
Thanks, thats what I figured "on demand" meant, just wasn't sure. Yes, I am in Florida.

I was always told that if I get pulled over, to hand the officer your drivers license and insurance when they ask, along with my CWP...then immediately tell them, "I'm giving you my CWP also and I want to inform you that I am carrying right now."

Might as well tell them up front, if they find out later, even though we do not have to inform them, who knows what some cops will do. Only thing thats a gamble is running into that cop that wants to make a big deal of it even if you do inform them.

Thats life I guess.
Thanks, thats what I figured "on demand" meant, just wasn't sure. Yes, I am in Florida.

I was always told that if I get pulled over, to hand the officer your drivers license and insurance when they ask, along with my CWP...then immediately tell them, "I'm giving you my CWP also and I want to inform you that I am carrying right now."

Might as well tell them up front, if they find out later, even though we do not have to inform them, who knows what some cops will do. Only thing thats a gamble is running into that cop that wants to make a big deal of it even if you do inform them.

Thats life I guess.

Best case scenario, the officer will tell you to leave the weapon where it is, and rely on the statistics against a CWL holder pulling a gun on a cop. Bad case, the officer directs you to dis-arm and he will retain your weapon through-out the stop. Worst case, the cop will dream up a reason to keep your weapon (i.e. Make/Model match one used in a crime. You can pick it up at the station later)
Best case scenario, the officer will tell you to leave the weapon where it is, and rely on the statistics against a CWL holder pulling a gun on a cop. Bad case, the officer directs you to dis-arm and he will retain your weapon through-out the stop. Worst case, the cop will dream up a reason to keep your weapon (i.e. Make/Model match one used in a crime. You can pick it up at the station later)

Thats what concerns me, it may not be at the station later, the cop could just keep it and deny it was ever brought up at the stop. I know its a long shot, but there's a ton a bad cops out there.

I guess if its not the Law that I have to say anything about having a gun on me, maybe I won't.

I have to think about it more I guess. I mean, they'll never know you have it on you unless for some reason you have to get patted down. I've stood next to many cops in lines at stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc.... and they had no idea I had my gun on me. Guess its really none of their business as long as the law says we don't have to tell them here in Florida, and they don't ask a direct question about it.

Kind of makes me want to go to Spy Shops and get a tiny tape recorder and camera for my car so if I do get pulled over everything is on audio and video of the entire stop. There's a cool Spy Shop here in Lauderdale that sells set-ups for just that situation. So everything is on tape and cops can never lie about what happened at a stop. There also good for people that make house calls for certain occupations so there's never a question about what went on at a customers house, pretty cool set- up.
I don't remember which forum I saw it on, but having a recorder in your vehicle is a good idea. For police stops, accident cases, road rage, lots of reasons.
Florida CWL Law

In Arizona, you are requiired to inform any police officer you have contact with that you are armed and have a permit. I know when I pulled a car over, I was going through a mental checklist to make sure I did and said everytihng just so. The last thing I wanted was to hear some brain-dead guy blurt, "I have a gun." When I had left the department and had a CCW permit, I always dreaded telling officers I was legally armed, as their reactions ran the gamut of me seeing the business end of their weapon to, "Let's see your permit." Usually, they asked where the gun was located, then told you not to move as they took the gun off of you and tucked it in their duty belt until they ran an NCIS/ACIS check on it, then before ending the contact, they would unload the weapon and hand you the weapon and ammo and tell you you could leave now.
In Arizona, you are requiired to inform any police officer you have contact with that you are armed and have a permit. I know when I pulled a car over, I was going through a mental checklist to make sure I did and said everytihng just so. The last thing I wanted was to hear some brain-dead guy blurt, "I have a gun." When I had left the department and had a CCW permit, I always dreaded telling officers I was legally armed, as their reactions ran the gamut of me seeing the business end of their weapon to, "Let's see your permit." Usually, they asked where the gun was located, then told you not to move as they took the gun off of you and tucked it in their duty belt until they ran an NCIS/ACIS check on it, then before ending the contact, they would unload the weapon and hand you the weapon and ammo and tell you you could leave now.

The more I think about it I probably won't tell cops I have a gun on me, for just a traffic stop. If they ask me to get out of the car for some reason, then I will. My license is all I need to prove I'm allowed to have a gun on me, I really don't want to go through those unnecassary checks.
OK, if the cop does take your gun and put it in his paints. What happens if it goes off and he shoots him self with your gun? It's a long shot BUT don't give me some crap that would never happen.
LOL, nice video. But what the hell was with the clicking man i almost had to turn the sound off lol. With some police the Badge goes to there head and they think they can do what ever they want. I would like to know what happened to this officer.
LOL, nice video. But what the hell was with the clicking man i almost had to turn the sound off lol. With some police the Badge goes to there head and they think they can do what ever they want. I would like to know what happened to this officer.

Sounds like a radar detector picking up a weak signal.
OK, if the cop does take your gun and put it in his paints. What happens if it goes off and he shoots him self with your gun? It's a long shot BUT don't give me some crap that would never happen.

:tongue:Even more importantly, since he used your handgun without permission--can you sue for damages because he didn't pay you for the circumcision / vasectomy / sex change?:confused:
The area of Florida that I live in is pretty gun-friendly.

I've been stopped before while carrying. I always do it "by the book" - turn off the car, put the keys on the dash, put one hand out the window, turn the dome light on if at night, and hand them my DL, registration, proof of insurance and CWP all together. I have never gotten a crazy or even slightly threatening officer. They always ask where the firearm(s) are located, and that's that.

Openness is best. More than likely they'll ask, and there's no reason to give them something to get annoyed about. The chance of running into the cop who confiscates your weapon and never gives it back is far less than running into the cop who thinks you should have told him you had one to begin with.
45Fella, most of the officers in Florida wont give you a hard time if you hand your licence with your drivers licence and insurance papers. Actually I think when they run your plate , I would think if you have a CWL it will show up ahead of time. Just dont make the Officer feel uncomfortable.

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